Chico Freeman

简介: 小简介
奇科.弗里曼20多年的演奏生涯里一直就在尝试和研究不同种类的跨界音乐。他常常联合一些民族,土风,摇滚等各界音乐演奏家来联合演奏。他出生于芝家哥,父亲就是一个萨克斯手,而他的叔叔也是一个著名的爵士乐手。因此在CHICO还是学生的时候就常常演奏爵士和蓝调,不过别以为 更多>

An excellent tenor saxophonist and the son of Von Freeman, Chico Freeman has had a busy and diverse career, with many recordings ranging from advanced hard bop to nearly free avant-garde jazz. He originally played trumpet, not taking up the tenor until he was a junior in college. Freeman graduated from Northwestern University in 1972, played with R&B groups, and joined the AACM. In 1977, he moved to New York, where he worked with Elvin Jones, Sun Ra, Sam Rivers big band, Jack DeJohnettes Special Edition, and Don Pullen, in addition to leading his own groups. He recorded a dozen albums as a leader during 1975-1982. Starting in 1984, Freeman has played on a part-time basis with the Leaders, he has recorded on a few occasions with his father and in 1989, he put together an electric band called Brainstorm. Chico Freeman has recorded through the years as a leader for Dharma, India Navigation, Contemporary, Black Saint, Elektra/Musician, Black Hawk, Palo Alto, Jazz House, and In & Out.

Chico Freeman详细资料(以下内容包含:Chico Freeman 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)
Chico Freeman生日:

Chico Freeman档案之所有专辑

  • 2024年推出专辑:《Tangents》
  • 2023年推出专辑:《Spirit Sensitive》
  • 2023年推出专辑:《Out of Many Comes the One》
  • 1996年推出专辑:《The Emissary》