Michael Card

简介: 迈克尔·卡德(生于1957年四月11号)是美国基督教创作歌手,音乐家,作家,田纳西州电台主持人。 他最最大的贡献是在当代基督教音乐,folk-style 民歌风格的旋律和歌词来自对圣经的深入研究。自从他1981年首次发行,已售出超过400万张唱片。他还撰写了几本书,包括获得图书金 更多>

迈克尔·卡德(生于1957年四月11号)是美国基督教创作歌手,音乐家,作家,田纳西州电台主持人。 他最最大的贡献是在当代基督教音乐,folk-style 民歌风格的旋律和歌词来自对圣经的深入研究。自从他1981年首次发行,已售出超过400万张唱片。他还撰写了几本书,包括获得图书金奖章奖的《一种神圣的悲哀》。
by John Bush
Michael Card began writing songs at a Kentucky college, where he would write praise choruses for a local church service. Although pushed to earn his Ph.D. by a professor, he was lured into the recording industry by friends Randy Scruggs and John Thompson, who needed a musician to record for their production company's demos. The record label insisted they produce Card's music as their first project, and his acoustic folk sound appeared from the very start; among his records was 1981's Present Reality, 1987's Life, 1993's Come to the Cradle and 1996's Brother to Brother. In 1998, he returned with Starkindler: A Celtic Conversation Across Time.

Michael Card详细资料(以下内容包含:Michael Card 歌曲列表 等信息)
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