
简介: Исихия / Isihia,典出十四世纪保加利亚第二王国时期兴起的东正教静修派(Исихаст)。21世纪伊始,保加利亚乐队Isihia偕同Lot Lorien以及马其顿乐队Anastasia,掀起了保加利亚年轻一代对巴尔干本地音乐的怀古风潮。这个八人编制的乐队在配器上坚守全 更多>

Исихия / Isihia,典出十四世纪保加利亚第二王国时期兴起的东正教静修派(Исихаст)。21世纪伊始,保加利亚乐队Isihia偕同Lot Lorien以及马其顿乐队Anastasia,掀起了保加利亚年轻一代对巴尔干本地音乐的怀古风潮。这个八人编制的乐队在配器上坚守全盘本土化的策略,巴尔干风笛 (bagpipes)、保加利亚三弦琴 (gadulka)、大鼓 (tapan)、牧笛 (kaval) 是成局的基本配备。乐曲常以ambient长音铺底,旋律上以保加利亚东正教圣乐为主,并佐以稍经打磨的粗砺保加利亚民乐唱腔,试图探寻东正教静修派的纯净保加利亚精神。
Isihia (Bulgarian: Исихия, &hesychia&) are a Bulgarian music band founded in 2000, the style of which unites elements of Bulgarian folklore and Hesychast Christian chant of the 14th century to create an atmosphere of Balkan spiritual mysticism. Many of the group's songs cover topics of the medieval history of Bulgaria, mostly the period of the Ottoman invasion of the Balkans and the attempts on its repulsion and the early Ottoman rule of Bulgaria, i.e. the 14th-15th century, but also other moments of hardship such as the tragic Battle of Klyuch of 1014.

Isihia详细资料(以下内容包含:Isihia 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)


  • 2023年推出专辑:《Isihia》