Teri Thornton

简介: 小简介
Teri Thornton出道的时候只有十八、九岁,出了几张唱片没红,然后就沈寂下去,隔了三十几年,才再得到出唱片的机会,当时她蛮潦倒的,在一些小酒馆走唱,遇到一个她以前的Fan,这位乐迷小姐是音乐经纪人,她就说要帮Thornton作经纪人,安排演出、唱片合约等 更多>

Teri Thornton出道的时候只有十八、九岁,出了几张唱片没红,然后就沈寂下去,隔了三十几年,才再得到出唱片的机会,当时她蛮潦倒的,在一些小酒馆走唱,遇到一个她以前的Fan,这位乐迷小姐是音乐经纪人,她就说要帮Thornton作经纪人,安排演出、唱片合约等等,但是Thornton这时却得了癌症,本来已经想死了,经纪人又安排她参加美国规模最大的Monk爵士音乐大赛,和一群新人竞争。决赛时,为歌手伴奏的乐团是主办单位请来的三重奏,当时那个钢琴手一直掉眼泪,根本没办法好好弹,因为那个钢琴手正是三十五年前Teri Thornton上一张唱片的製作人。
1998年,全美竞争最激烈的「孟克国际爵士音乐大赛」该年举办的是演唱比赛。这时,65岁的爵士女歌手Teri Thornton在医院里刚动完手术,仍旧与癌症抵抗中。Thornton的经纪人为了激励她与病魔搏斗的士气,替她报名了这个奖项。三个月后,Thornton赢得了冠军,成就了爵士乐史上最令人动容的篇章,当时的亚军是Jane Monheit。再过二年,Thornton终究抵不过病魔,於千禧年五月病逝於纽泽西。
Jazz singer Teri Thornton was a favorite of critics in the '60s and after a three decade-long year hiatus, returned to performing in the '90s amid critical acclaim. She's best known for singing "Somewhere in the Night," the theme of detective TV series The Naked City, starring Paul Burke.
Born in Detroit, Michigan, she began performing in local jazz clubs in the '50s. Moving to New York in '60s, she got into singing on national ad jingles and recorded for different record labels. On her Devil May Care LP, the impressive lineup was trumpeter Clark Terry, guitarists Freddie Green and Sam Herman, sax players Earl Warren and Seldon Powell, trombonist Britt Woodman, pianist Wynton Kelly, bassist Sam Jones, drummer Jimmy Cobb and arranger Norman Simmons. To find more work, Thornton journeyed to Los Angeles. Returning to New York in 1983, the singer found steady work in jazz clubs.
Thorton also won the Thelonious Monk International Jazz Competition in the Vocal category with her rendition of "I'll Be Easy To Find" in 1998. That same year, she was diagnosed with cancer. Winning the competition bolstered her career leading to a new recording, I'll Be Easy To Find after more than three decades. At the age of 65, Thornton died of complications from bladder cancer at Englewood Hospital in Englewood, NJ on May 2, 2000.

