
简介: 他来自于加拿大多伦多,是一名天才的制作人同时也是非常棒的MC,90年代时候在加拿大地下嘻哈乐界出名。在发行了几张让人叫绝的专辑和曲目后,他神秘的消失了,就像他神秘的出现一样。没有人知道他现在在做什么。据一些和他联系上的熊弟说他手里还有大量未发行的曲目。大家知道的最后一件关于他的事 更多>

他来自于加拿大多伦多,是一名天才的制作人同时也是非常棒的MC,90年代时候在加拿大地下嘻哈乐界出名。在发行了几张让人叫绝的专辑和曲目后,他神秘的消失了,就像他神秘的出现一样。没有人知道他现在在做什么。据一些和他联系上的熊弟说他手里还有大量未发行的曲目。大家知道的最后一件关于他的事情是他的"live from new york”混音项目,8只曲子,都标有Frankenstein自己的商标。
Shout out to Frankenstein for giving me the opportunity to interview him. In the 90s i was a fan of the hiphop that was coming out of Canada. Frankenstein was and still is one of the illest Mc's,Producer, Remixer out of Toronto.He has released nothing but classics on his label Knowledge of Self since the early 90s. From his Heavy beats to to his smooth flows ,He has definitely showed that he is one of the Heavy hitters outa the T-Dot. It's good to see that he's back and cooking up new treats from the dungeon.