Asian Dub Foundation

简介: Asian Dub Foundation是支来自英国的电音团体,中文名为亚洲音效转录机构乐队。音乐中有印度音乐和Reggae的元素出现,这大概也是乐队名字中“Asian”和“ Dub”的由来。这是乐队2005年专辑。
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Asian Dub Foundation是支来自英国的电音团体,中文名为亚洲音效转录机构乐队。音乐中有印度音乐和Reggae的元素出现,这大概也是乐队名字中“Asian”和“ Dub”的由来。这是乐队2005年专辑。
Dub可说是将歌声抽离只剩下音乐的Reggae(瑞格,也有称之为雷鬼,一种很有节拍性 ,唱腔特别的南美黑人音乐).而将Dub运用在电子乐上,则是将部份歌声抽离,将Bass和鼓声加重,并且加入大量的Echo(回音)等效果.这种技术常在现场表演时,将歌曲重新混音(Remix)呈现.像Massive Attack 的专辑Protection便由Mad Professor从Trip-Hop音乐混音成了Dub版本.
by Jason Ankeny
Asian Dub Foundation formed in 1993 as an outgrowth of the ary Identical Beat, a film shot at Londons Farringdon Community Music House, the site of a series of summer workshops designed to teach Asian children the essentials of music technology. In charge of the workshops were tutor Aniruddha Das and youth worker John Pandit, also a noted DJ; with one of their students, a 15-year-old Bengali rapper named Deedar Zaman, they soon formed a sound system which they called the Asian Dub Foundation. After each adopted an alias — bassist/tabla player Das became Dr. Das, Pandit became Pandit G, and Zaman became Master D — they gradually evolved into a working band with the 1994 addition of former Higher Intelligence Agency guitarist Steve Chandra Savale, an innovative performer known for tuning his strings to one note like a sitar, turning up the distortion unit and playing his instrument with a knife, earning him the knickname Chandrasonic. Emerging in the midst of considerable anti-Asian violence throughout Britain, the Foundations early demos landed them a contract with Nation Records, and they recorded their debut EP Conscious in 1994.
Channeling influences ranging from punk to ambient music to Bengali folk songs, Asian Dub Foundation quickly gained a strong fanbase not only among clubgoers but also among the anti-fascist movement, who applauded the groups vocal stand against racism. After earning a reputation as stand-out live performers, the band — which now included dancer Bubble-E and second DJ Sun-J — won widespread acclaim for the 1995 single Rebel Warrior. Their first full-length effort, Facts and Fictions, followed later that same year, and in 1998 Asian Dub Foundation returned with Rafis Revenge. Community Music appeared in mid-2000.