Architecture in Helsinki

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这个澳大利亚的Indie Pop八人团体Architecture in Helsinki全都来自墨尔本的菲茨罗伊(Fitzroy),这八人分别是Cameron Bird(多乐器演奏家)、James Cecil、Gus Franklin、Isobel Knowle 更多>

这个澳大利亚的Indie Pop八人团体Architecture in Helsinki全都来自墨尔本的菲茨罗伊(Fitzroy),这八人分别是Cameron Bird(多乐器演奏家)、James Cecil、Gus Franklin、Isobel Knowles、Jamie Mildren、 Sam Perry、Tara Shackell以及Kellie Sutherland。这支乐队的音乐作品中所使用的乐器甚至比其成员数还多,这些不同多样的乐器有模拟合成器及采样器、钟琴(glockenspiel)、大号(Tuba)、竖笛(Clarinet),此外当然还有吉他、贝司、鼓和相应的录音设备。Architecture in Helsinki乐队2000年组建,其音乐风格游走于Indie、电子和流行,并偶尔会有现场演绎。乐队在2002年开始录制其处女作《Fingers Crossed》,其录音地点包括了从沙滩小屋到正规录音室等诸多场所,该专辑现现已由Bar None唱片公司于2004年春发行。
The Australian indie pop ensemble Architecture in Helsinki hails from Fitzroy, Melbourne, and counts multi-instrumentalists Cameron Bird, James Cecil, Gus Franklin, Isobel Knowles, Jamie Mildren, Sam Perry, Tara Shackell, and Kellie Sutherland among its ranks. The bands musical arsenal is even bigger than its roster, featuring instruments as diverse as analog synths and samplers, glockenspiel, tuba, clarinet, and recorder along with the more predictable drums, bass, and guitar. Architecture in Helsinki began playing in 2000, crafting a mix of indie, electronic, and pop that they recorded and occasionally performed live. The collective began recording its debut album, Fingers Crossed, in 2002 in a variety of places ranging from beach houses to proper studios; Bar None released the album in spring 2004. Following a hectic year of touring and recording, the group turned around another album, In Case We Die, in 2005. The release drew glowing reviews, fixing Architecture in Helsinki as one of that years most promising and idiosyncratic indie acts. Frontman and primary songwriter Bird relocated to Brooklyn a year later, where he and producer James Cecil put the finishing touches on the groups third effort, Places Like This. The album was released on Polyvinyl in 2007.