Jeff van Dyck

简介: 杰夫.梵.迪克(Jeff van Dyck)是全面战争全系列配乐的作者,1969年出生于加拿大温哥华。他造就了全战的绝美战歌,而全战系列的成功也使得他声名大噪。
Jeff van Dyck1969年生于加拿大温哥华,其父亲Ralph Dyck也是 更多>

杰夫.梵.迪克(Jeff van Dyck)是全面战争全系列配乐的作者,1969年出生于加拿大温哥华。他造就了全战的绝美战歌,而全战系列的成功也使得他声名大噪。
Jeff van Dyck1969年生于加拿大温哥华,其父亲Ralph Dyck也是一名出色的作曲家和电子合成专家,1992年起Jeff开始从事电脑游戏的音乐制作,如FIFA Soccer, NHL Hockey 和极品飞车系列。在与体育游戏合作的最后5年中,Jeff已经可以独立的完成更多的音乐类型。此时,世界上最著名的独立游戏开发商The Creative Assembly正在为他们新的“全战”系列寻找一位音乐制作人,Jeff成为了最好的人选。2001年与The Creative Assembly公司的第一次合作—“幕府 全面战争”,就受到了英国学院奖的提名。2005年凭借“罗马 全面战争”再次受到提名。
Jeff van Dyck (known as Jeff Dyck in his early years) is a Canadian/Australian video game music composer. Born in 1969 and raised in Vancouver, Canada, Van Dyck is a freelance composer, audio director and sound designer currently working with Sega, Kixeye and is a partner in the Brisbane based developer WitchBeam.
He started to become known in the video game music industry in 1992, when he was working with Electronic Arts (EA) for several sports game franchises, such as the Need for Speed series, together with Saki Kaskas.
After his stint in EA, Van Dyck became the composer for the popular Total War franchise of The Creative Assembly. During his collaboration with the video game developer, Van Dyck won a British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award (in 2001) and garnered a nomination (in 2005). One of the games that he worked audio on as well, Total War: Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai, was nominated for the &Audio Achievement& section of the Develop awards in May 2012.