
简介: 来自纽约的一支乐队,主唱声音令人印象深刻, 里面充斥着各种各样的狗叫。也不知道乐队的成员到底有多少生物, 难怪有人把他们叫作Dog Grind。 他们的音乐属于碾核,有着碾核音乐特有的粘滞感觉的吉他音色,但并不是非常极端的那种。应该说从音色上还是比较温柔的一种碾核。 所以这张不到 更多>

来自纽约的一支乐队,主唱声音令人印象深刻, 里面充斥着各种各样的狗叫。也不知道乐队的成员到底有多少生物, 难怪有人把他们叫作Dog Grind。 他们的音乐属于碾核,有着碾核音乐特有的粘滞感觉的吉他音色,但并不是非常极端的那种。应该说从音色上还是比较温柔的一种碾核。 所以这张不到15分钟的专辑应该成为死硬摇滚迷们大餐饭后的甜点型专辑。
The band, Caninus (pronounced K - 9 - us ) began listening Terrorizer, Death of Napalm, Corpse Cannibal, Sorcery, Incantation and Malevolant Creation. The band(orchestra) was generated in New York in 1992, but not until recently, when Caninus(orchestra) began receving national glory and approval of a celebrities from Andrew W.K. to Susan Sarandon.
After the few line up changes (replacements) during 90-s', Caninus has strengthened their line up in 2001. A little from members of the profit also have gone, the few have gone to prison, some are alive albeit in the bottom of Grand Central terminals of Station. One ex-Caninus member can be noticed in the ary film concerning the mole people "Dark Days".
The majority grindcore and fatal metal strips (orchestras) have the singers, trying to sound similarly to the broken (upset) deranged animals anyhow so they have decided to use a real thing. Vocals are executed by two pit bull terriers. Both were rescued days before euthanization from refuges. Caninus - all strict vegans. It has come time really to allow the animals to have their say.