Sharon Isbin

简介: Sharon Isbin生于1956年8月7号,是美国的吉他手,歌手。Sharon Isbin从9岁起开始学习吉他,1979年,Sharon Isbin在耶鲁大学获得了音乐硕士学位,从1974年Sharon Isbin进行了她的首次欧洲巡回起,全世界的吉他爱好者和评论家就开始注意 更多>

Sharon Isbin生于1956年8月7号,是美国的吉他手,歌手。Sharon Isbin从9岁起开始学习吉他,1979年,Sharon Isbin在耶鲁大学获得了音乐硕士学位,从1974年Sharon Isbin进行了她的首次欧洲巡回起,全世界的吉他爱好者和评论家就开始注意这位当时年仅17岁的吉他演奏家了。1975年,Sharon Isbin在加拿大多伦多举行的Guitar'75国际大赛上获得了第一名。次年,她又摘取了慕尼黑国际大赛的吉他冠军。作为在马德里举行的1979年索非亚王后国际大赛的冠军,Sharon Isbin与西班牙国家广播交响乐团合作演出了著名的《阿兰胡埃斯吉他协奏曲》。Sharon Isbin是目前世界上最著名的吉他演奏家之一,她居住在美国纽约,从1989年起,开始担任纽约 Juillard 音乐学校首席吉他教授职务。 她赢得2002年和以及德国著名的古典回声奖“最佳演唱录音”。她还赢得了2005年拉丁格莱美提名为“最佳古典唱片”和2006年GLAAD媒体奖提名为“杰出音乐艺术家”,她与小提琴家林昭亮和圣保罗室内乐团获得了2000年格莱美奖的提名
by Zoran Minderovic
Described by Boston Globe's Michael Manning as a musician who plays "beyond virtuosity," guitarist Sharon Isbin has been a consistent challenge for critics, who struggle to find the right superlative that would do justice to her exquisite playing. "In her hands," wrote Anne Midgette in The New York Times, the guitar takes on the precision of a diamond, each note a clear, shining facet that catches, prismlike, a glimpse of the spectrum." In essence, a performance by Isbin is like a painting by Vermeer: a formally impeccable and inexhaustible work of art. A Renaissance woman of the guitar, Isbin performs worldwide -- at famous venues, commissions new works from distinguished American composers (more than any other guitarist) for her instruments, collaborates with a wide variety of musicians, and indefatigably searches for new music to play. As a child, Isbin wanted to be scientist, like her father. However, she started guitar lessons at the age of nine (the family was living in Italy at that time) and found her vocation. Her teachers included Andres Segovia and harpsichordist Rosalyn Tureck. With Tureck, Isbin worked on the first performance edition, for guitar, of J. S. Bach's Lute Suites. This project eventually resulted in a critically acclaimed disc. In 1989, Isbin founded the guitar department at the Juilliard School of Music and became that institution's first professor of guitar. Isbin's recordings have consistently been assessed as ground-breaking musical events. In 1995, her disc, the first ever, of American guitar concert was presented to Russian cosmonaut during a rendez-vous between the space shuttle Atlantis and the Russian spaceship Mir. Journey to the Amazon, performed with Brazilian percussionist Thiago de Mello and saxophonist Paul Winter, earned Isbin a Grammy nomination in 1999. She received a Grammy in 2001, for her Dreams of a World: Folk-inspired Music for Guitar. Significantly, this was a first classical guitar Grammy in 28 years. In 2002, Isbin got another Grammy, for an extraordinary performance of concerti by Christoher Rouse and Tan Dun. The concerti featured in this world premiere disc were dedicated to Isbin.Spanning various styles, genres, and periods Isbin's other recordings include Aaron Jay Kernis' Double Concerto (with violinist Cho-Liang Lin), Rodrigo: Concierto de Aranjues, and Sharon Isbin plays Baroque Favorites for Guitar. The last-named album features a truly astounding performance of a transcription of Bach's Violin Concerto in A minor.