Stars of the Lid

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Ambient drone duo Stars of the Lid was formed in Austin, TX, by guitarists Brian McBride and Adam Wiltzie, the latter also a member 更多>

Ambient drone duo Stars of the Lid was formed in Austin, TX, by guitarists Brian McBride and Adam Wiltzie, the latter also a member of Windsor for the Derby as well as the longtime soundman for Bedhead. Debuting in 1994 with Music for Nitrous Oxide, the duo returned the following year with Gravitational Pull vs. the Desire for an Aquatic Life; signing to Kranky, Stars of the Lid next resurfaced in 1997 with the epic The Ballasted Orchestra. 1998's Per Aspera Ad Astra, a collaboration with painter Jon McCafferty, preceded the Sub Rosa release Avec Laudenum. Tired Sounds of Stars of the Lid landed in 2001, with And Their Refinement of the Decline following in 2007. Both were double CDs.

Stars of the Lid详细资料(以下内容包含:Stars of the Lid 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)
Stars of the Lid生日:

Stars of the Lid档案之所有专辑

  • 2007年推出专辑:《And Their Refinement of the Decline》
  • 2001年推出专辑:《The Tired Sounds of Stars of the Lid》
  • 1997年推出专辑:《Ballasted Orchestra》
  • 1996年推出专辑:《The Ballasted Orchestra》