
简介: 小简介
又是一只从英国媒体手下走出来的新军,由4个名成员组成,音乐类型是独立摇滚加点小电的英伦摇滚。去年12月份发行第一只单曲“ Leni”,今年4月份又发行单曲“The Illness”。在俩只单曲的基础上,他们的知名度也慢慢的热了起来,加上媒体的宣传于评价。Good 更多>

又是一只从英国媒体手下走出来的新军,由4个名成员组成,音乐类型是独立摇滚加点小电的英伦摇滚。去年12月份发行第一只单曲“ Leni”,今年4月份又发行单曲“The Illness”。在俩只单曲的基础上,他们的知名度也慢慢的热了起来,加上媒体的宣传于评价。GoodBooks的在新乐队中人气越来越高,首张专辑《Control》也在这样的基础上,准备在7月份发行了。新专辑发行前的第一只单曲“Passchendaele ”就是一只出色的单曲,成绩不俗。虽然这样说,但让我觉得他们与以前从媒体手下出来的新军来说逊色多了,不过他们确实在长相上面很不错,不论主唱Max Cooke,还是其他成员,都有好几分貌像。音乐方面让我说,音乐特点不是很突出,多听几遍可以有新的发现,最终我觉得有几只单曲很不错。如:“The Illness”,“Passchendaele”,“Leni” 和 “Violent Man Lovesong”。每个人的口味不同,说不定你会发现的更多。
by Kenyon HopkinThe members of British band GoodBooks had known each other for years prior to their first jam. In the early 2000s the guys were part of a prior incarnation called the Fingerprints. After a minor line-up change, the band, schooled in Brit-pop as well as electronic, continued as GoodBooks. Frontman Max Cooke, bassist Christopher Porter, keyboardist JP Duncan, and drummer Leo von Bulow-Quirk launched their own label. A major leap forward came when the Magic Numbers added them as a support act. GoodBooks soon signed on with Transgressive records before being added to the roster of Columbia. The debut album Control arrived in summer 2007, which had followed several singles and EPs.

