简介: 小简介
来自比利时的dEUS乐队90年代初成军,于02年解散,04年复出,其间成员的变更不少,直到现在留有原班人马的仅为vocal Tom Barman以及drums Jules De Borgher。经过了多年于音乐上的试验,dESU的音乐总有一种飘忽不定的感觉,直到 更多>

来自比利时的dEUS乐队90年代初成军,于02年解散,04年复出,其间成员的变更不少,直到现在留有原班人马的仅为vocal Tom Barman以及drums Jules De Borgher。经过了多年于音乐上的试验,dESU的音乐总有一种飘忽不定的感觉,直到99年发行的那张[The Ideal Crash]才基本定型。dEUS于歌词上的造诣是不用多说的,他们还和Radiohead、Tom Waits、Daniel Lanois以及Tricky合作过。他们的另类音乐使得人们更多的关注比利时的乐队。
by Jason AnkenyThe first Belgian-based indie act ever to sign to a major international label, the improvisational avant grunge group dEUS was originally comprised of vocalist/guitarist Tom Barman, bassist Stef Kamil Carlens, drummer Julle De Borgher, violinist Klaas Janzoons, and guitarist Rudy Trouvé. Formed in Antwerp in 1991, dEUS began their career as strictly a cover band, but soon began performing new material, honing an irreverent, free-form live show drawing on influences ranging from folk and punk to jazz and prog rock. After issuing a four-track EP titled Zea, dEUS mounted a series of London performances that led to a contract with Island Records. In 1994 the group released its full-length bow, Worst Case Scenario, winning acclaim for the singles Suds and Soda and Via. After announcing plans to produce their own pornographic film, they issued 1995s My Sister, My Clock; however, in the wake of the records release, Carlens exited to focus on his side project, Moondog Jr. Trouvé soon followed suit, channeling his energies into the group Kiss My Jazz; with new guitarist Craig Ward and bassist Danny Cool Rocket Mommens in tow, dEUS returned to the studio to cut 1997s In a Bar, Under the Sea. The Ideal Crash followed in 1999.

dEUS详细资料(以下内容包含:dEUS 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)


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