Vertical Horizon

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VerticalHorizon 中译“音乐坐标”,成立于1991年,来自美国。
爱好吉他的Keith Kane叫他的朋友Matt Scannell和他一起演出,在一个当地的酒吧中进行周末表演。Vertical Horizon就这 更多>

VerticalHorizon 中译“音乐坐标”,成立于1991年,来自美国。
爱好吉他的Keith Kane叫他的朋友Matt Scannell和他一起演出,在一个当地的酒吧中进行周末表演。Vertical Horizon就这样诞生了。Kane和 Scannell 在1992年毕业,并且决定要开始他们的职业歌唱生涯。在92年的夏末,他们进入了录音棚,开始录制他们的首张专辑"There and Back Again"。完成第一张专辑后,他们已经拥有了一批忠实的歌迷。他们风靡美国的西海岸。
在1995年有了第二张专辑Running On Ice。Ed Toth的老板支持Matt的妈妈在CD店出售儿子的专辑。Ed Toth对Vertical Horizon的表现大加赞赏。在一次演出过后,他意识到他们必须找一个新的鼓手,于是他加入了。
在1997年他们发行了Live Stages后,他们又计划需要一个贝斯手,Sean Hurley 成为了这个乐队最新的成员。从97到01年,他们不间断的发行唱片, "Everything You
Want" (1999),其中的主打歌曲在Billboard上曾居榜首。从那以后,他们开始了欧洲巡回演出,英国、法国、德国、荷兰以及瑞士。
by Jason Ankeny
The acoustic jam band Vertical Horizon was formed in 1991 by Georgetown University undergrads Matt Scannell and Keith Kane; after graduation the duo relocated to Boston, and in 1992 self-released their debut LP There and Back Again. Non-stop touring followed, and soon the group was opening for bands like the Allman Brothers, Better Than Ezra and the Samples; they also appeared on the Aware II compilation alongside the likes of Hootie and the Blowfish, the Verve Pipe and Edwin McCain. In 1995 Vertical Horizon issued their sophomore effort Running on Ice, which featured the Dave Matthews Bands Carter Beauford on drums; a year later bassist Sean Hurley and drummer Ed Toth were added to the lineup, and in early 1997 they issued Live Stages. Upon signing to RCA, in early 1999 Vertical Horizon reissued its three previous LPs; their proper major-label debut, Everything You Want, followed later that year. The album went double-platinum on the success of the title track and three other singles, and Vertical Horizon supported it with an extensive tour of both North America and Europe. Eventually they returned to the studio, and began work on a follow-up to Everything. The finished album was delayed a few times, but Go was finally issued in September 2003. Over the next two years bonus track editions of the album appeared in both Japan and North America.

Vertical Horizon详细资料(以下内容包含:Vertical Horizon 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)
Vertical Horizon生日:

Vertical Horizon档案之所有专辑

  • 2023年推出专辑:《The Lost Mile》