Godspeed You! Black Emperor

简介: Godspeed You! Black Emperor(曾命名为Godspeed You Black Emperor!,缩写为GYBE、GSYBE或GY!BE)是加拿大的一个前卫艺术乐团,1994年在魁北克蒙特利尔成立.
1994年,Efrim Menuck,Mauro 更多>

Godspeed You! Black Emperor(曾命名为Godspeed You Black Emperor!,缩写为GYBE、GSYBE或GY!BE)是加拿大的一个前卫艺术乐团,1994年在魁北克蒙特利尔成立.
1994年,Efrim Menuck,Mauro Pezzente和Mike Moya在加拿大的蒙特利尔组成Godspeed You Black Emperor!。该团的团名来自日本导演柳町光男1976年的黑白纪录片‘ゴッド・スピード・ユー! BLACK EMPEROR’,其中Black Emperor指的是活跃于1970年代日本的暴走族。同年12月,他们发行了自己用四轨卡式录音座录制的All Lights Fucked on the Hairy Amp Drooling,限量仅33张,目前市面上已绝版。
1998年,创团成员之一的Mike Moya决定离团,Godspeed You Black Emperor!不久之后成为九人乐团(Roger-Tellier Craig在2004年退出,换上James Chau)。并于1999年改名为Godspeed You! Black Emperor。
2003年,该团对外宣布将暂时休团,但并未宣布解散。七年后,在2010年四月时,Godspeed You! Black Emperor宣布将从年底起开始于欧洲、美国及部分区域巡演。并将主要策划2010年12月3~5日,英国All Tomorrow's Parties音乐节举办的Nightmare Before Christmas表演活动。
The instrumental, multimedia Montreal group Godspeed You Black Emperor! creates extended, repetition-oriented chamber rock. The minimal and patient builds-to-crescendo of the groups compositions result in a meditative and hypnotic listen that becomes almost narrative when combined with found-sound splices and the films of their visual collaborators. GYBE! formed in 1994, and that year self-released a limited-run (33 copies) cassette entitled All Lights Fucked on the Hairy Amp Drooling. The bands next recording, F#A#(Infinity), was initially a limited-run release of 550 LPs on the Canadian label Constellation, but was picked up by Kranky and released onto CD as well. Early 1999 brought the EP Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada (released by both labels) and increased recognition for a band intent on retaining anonymity. Nevertheless, interest in GYBE! only continued to grow among new music fans with much positive attention from The Wire magazine, the bands participation in the John Peel-produced Peel Session for the London BBC, and the groups consistently impressive live shows, including their performance at Quebecs 1999 new music festival FIMAV and the tour with Labradford later that year. GYBE! performances generally include at least nine or more musicians and a projectionist. The instrumentation consists of three guitars, two basses, French horn, violin, viola, cello, and percussion. 2000 brought about the release of Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven, pushing their diverse orchestral rock sound even further into the universe.