
简介: 乐队于1992年由杰出的盎格鲁-亚裔混血女主唱索尼娅·奥罗拉·马登(Sonya AuroraMadan)Zaire伦敦组建,包括格伦·约翰森(Glenn Johansson, 吉他手)、黛比·史密斯(Debbie Smith 更多>

乐队于1992年由杰出的盎格鲁-亚裔混血女主唱索尼娅·奥罗拉·马登(Sonya AuroraMadan)Zaire伦敦组建,包括格伦·约翰森(Glenn Johansson, 吉他手)、黛比·史密斯(Debbie Smith,吉他手)、亚历克斯·凯泽(Alex Keyser,贝斯手)和安迪·亨德森(Andy Henderson,鼓手)。
乐队之名来自于“某种饥饿的感觉”。1993年晚些时候,乐队通过小厂牌Pandemonium发型了张EP《腹痛》(Bellyache),其中包括爆炸性的《给她支枪》(Give Her A Gun)和《睡着的希特勒》(Sleeping Hitler),而“腹鸣”则由约翰森创作,充满了脉动的吉他音响。该EP初登英国地下榜便位居15名。
基本上Echobelly的曲风融合了英式流行、摇滚、另类以及后庞克,再搭配上女主唱Sonya响亮清脆如梦幻般的嗓音,予人有精神为之一振且积极开阔的感受,使得他们如一股清流般地,相继迅速地掳获英国、欧洲、美国及日本歌迷的心。 93年8月该团在独立厂牌Rhythm King 旗下发表了首张专辑《Everyone`s Got One 》,立刻受到众多乐评的赞誉,勇夺英国榜#8的排行名次;95年9月第二张专辑《On》发表,不仅连续创下3首Top 20排行单曲,专辑亦迅速登上排行#4名席次;97年发行专辑《The World Is Flat》由名制作人Gil Norton担任专辑制作,袭其过往清新且积极的乐风,但同时也有着较为深沉且人生黑暗面的题材探讨,以及晦涩压抑且汹涌暗藏的乐风尝试。这张Echobelly出道以来首张精选辑《I Can`t Imagine The World Without Me》,18首歌曲纪录着92到97年乐团发展轨迹及所树立独特风格,收录“I Can`t Imagine The World Without Me”、“Great Things”、“King Of The Kerb”、“Dark Therapy”、“The World Is Flat”、“Insomniac”等精典名曲。
Echobelly这支当年处在Brit-pop浪尖风光无限的乐队,现在很少人再记得他们,乐队成军以来的第五张专辑《Gravity Pulls》也悄然无声中发行了。随着Brit-pop浪潮退却,2000年他们离开了所谓的主流音乐市场,从上一张专辑《people are expensive》,乐队决定了由自己独立发行,少了主流市场的压力,他们果然做出了更具原创、更具风格的作品。而在这张新专辑中,我们又再度感受到 Echobelly在音乐上的急速成长。专辑内,吉他像是悬挂在空气里静止的,偶尔却又戏剧性的浮上来,改变了以前大多数在中快版的曲式与紧凑的吉他伴奏的样式。在目前这样旋律已经被渐渐忽略,转而以节奏来取代的音乐市场中,这绝对是一张旋律性非常强烈且优美的专辑。女主唱拖长声的唱法和独特的咬字方式以及那种骨子里的优美英伦传统流行曲的特质使得他们的音乐绝对可以吸引住任何一双对声音和旋律挑剔的耳朵!
Led by vocalist Sonya Aurora Madan, Echobelly fused the ironic, self-absorbed viewpoint of the Smiths with stylish Blondie posturing and a solid guitar crunch. Defiantly politically correct, the group cultivated a fair amount of praise within the British press at the beginning of their career, but as the Brit-pop craze of the mid-90s wore on, the group was slowly eclipsed by such contemporaries as Elastica and Sleeper. Nevertheless, Echobelly earned a dedicated cult following in the U.S. and U.K., as well as a devoted fan base within Japan.
Madan formed Echobelly circa 1992 with Glenn Johansson (guitar), Debbie Smith (guitar), Alex Keyser (bass), and Andy Henderson (drums). The groups first single, Bellyache, was released in late 1993 to positive reviews from the U.K. weekly music press and managed to debut at number 15 on the indie charts. By early 1994, they broke the Top 40 with I Cant Imagine the World Without Me. Everybodys Got One, the bands debut album, was released in the fall of 1994 to positive reviews and strong sales within the U.K.; it was released in the U.S. in the spring of 1995 to little attention.
By the summer of 1995, British indie guitar music had overtaken the pop consciousness, and Echobelly were poised to break into the mainstream. Though the band was plagued by some behind-the-scenes problems — bassist Alex Keyser was replaced by James Harris after the recording of their second album, On — they didnt quite manage to make the leap. Great Things, the first single from On, entered the charts at number 13, but each subsequent single, and the album itself, didnt fare as well. Nevertheless, the group retained a strong following within Japan over the course of 1995, where they were considered superstars. In 1997, Echobelly issued Lustra.

