Gravity Kills

简介: 小简介
这支来自圣路易斯的四人乐队确实是一支非常幸运的乐队。他们95年签约于 大公司TVT旗下,第一张同名专辑就获得了金唱片的销量,随后就与业界巨人SEX PISTOLS随行演出,97年REMIX专辑《MANUFACTURED》又获得了工业音乐界众多名字 的鼎力相助,与 更多>

这支来自圣路易斯的四人乐队确实是一支非常幸运的乐队。他们95年签约于 大公司TVT旗下,第一张同名专辑就获得了金唱片的销量,随后就与业界巨人SEX PISTOLS随行演出,97年REMIX专辑《MANUFACTURED》又获得了工业音乐界众多名字 的鼎力相助,与之相伴的自然是他们知名度的直线上升。他们的作风有点像英国的 BUSH,也就是紧随潮流,而且力争做的最好。
Similar in style and approach to such industrial metal outfits as Ministry and KMFDM, Gravity Kills followed in their predecessors path but ultimately failed to cause as big a splash. Guitarist Matt Dudenhoffer, keyboard player Douglas Firley, and bassist/drummer Kurt Kerns had been kicking around in various St. Louis, MO, bands since the mid-80s, but the chance to land a song on a compilation by KPNT-FM got them together to record. The prospective hitmakers had no vocalist, however, so Kerns called his cousin, Jeff Scheel, in Dallas in 1994. The industrial-techno group recorded an original composition, called Guilty, in three days, called themselves Gravity Kills, and made the compilation. Soonafter, Guilty became the stations most-requested song and gathered airplay around the U.S. and Canada, leading to the group signing a recording contract with Wax Trax!/TVT. Gravity Kills appeal was widened by appearances on the soundtracks for Mortal Kombat and Seven and in March of 1996, the quartet released a self-titled debut album, promoting the release by supporting the Sex Pistols on their reunion tour of America. 1997 saw the release of a remix collection, called Manipulated, and a year later, their second all-new studio album Perversion. Not much was heard from Gravity Kills for the next few years, which led to rumors that the group had broken up. Although Kerns left the group during this interim period, the breakup rumors ultimately proved to be false; after switching record labels (their new home is Sanctuary Records), Gravity Kills issued their fourth release, Superstarved, in March of 2002.

Gravity Kills详细资料(以下内容包含:Gravity Kills 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)
Gravity Kills生日:

Gravity Kills档案之所有专辑

  • 1996年推出专辑:《Gravity Kills》