Pat Martino

爵士吉他手Pat Martino是音乐史上神奇的不死鸟,他的奋斗故事与华盛顿勇于承认砍倒樱桃树、将公看鱼逆水上游等事迹完全不惶多让。事情是这样的,一九八○年,Pat Martino动了割除脑瘤的手术,手术百分之九十九成功,但那百分之一的失误却导致了一个奇怪的后遗症。M 更多>

爵士吉他手Pat Martino是音乐史上神奇的不死鸟,他的奋斗故事与华盛顿勇于承认砍倒樱桃树、将公看鱼逆水上游等事迹完全不惶多让。事情是这样的,一九八○年,Pat Martino动了割除脑瘤的手术,手术百分之九十九成功,但那百分之一的失误却导致了一个奇怪的后遗症。Martino在术后发现自己不会弹吉他了,数十年的演奏经验与技巧突然变成空白,得了「吉他失忆症」。之后,Martino靠着不断聆听过去自己的录音,花了好几年的时间一点一滴的累积,终于把自己的吉他技巧努力再找回来。直到一九八七年,Martino选择了纽奥良的Mardi Gras庆典时重出江湖。这样的一段历程让他更加珍惜拥有音乐的日子,也值得所有失志的朋友相互勉励。Pat Martino一向欣赏前辈Wes Montgomery的演奏,事实上,在Martino手术后努力找回吉他演奏记忆的日子里,他除了聆听自己过去的录音之外,练得最多的就属Montgomery的曲子,毕竟自己年轻时最欣赏的就是他。Martino自己也说,他在录音时就把自己的心情调整到儿童模式,用一种孺慕之情把记忆中Montgomery的声音给演奏出来。
by Scott Yanow
One of the most original of the jazz-based guitarists to emerge in the 1960s, Pat Martino made a remarkable comeback after brain surgery in 1980 to correct an aneurysm caused him to lose his memory and completely forget how to play. It took years, but he regained his ability, partly by listening to his older records. Martino began playing professionally when he was 15. He worked early on with groups led by Willis Jackson, Red Holloway, and a series of organists, including Don Patterson, Jimmy Smith, Jack McDuff, Richard Groove Holmes, and Jimmy McGriff. After playing with John Handy (1966), he started leading his own bands and heading sessions for Prestige, Muse, and Warner Bros. that found him welcoming the influences of avant-garde jazz, rock, pop, and world music into his advanced hard bop style. After the operation, Martino did not resume playing until 1984, making his recording comeback with 1987s The Return. Although not as active as earlier, Pat Martino has regained his earlier form, recording again for Muse and Evidence; he later signed with Blue Note, issuing All Sides Now in 1996, followed two years later by Stone Blue and in 1998 by Fire Dance. In 2001 Martino released a live album recorded at Yoshis in California. Two years later he teamed with saxophonist Joe Lovano for Think Tank. Remember: A Tribute to Wes Montgomery appeared on Blue Note in 2006.

Pat Martino详细资料(以下内容包含:Pat Martino 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)
Pat Martino生日:

Pat Martino档案之所有专辑

  • 2024年推出专辑:《Conversation》
  • 2024年推出专辑:《Stone Blue》
  • 2024年推出专辑:《Alone Together (Live in Concert)》
  • 2023年推出专辑:《All Sides Now》
  • 2023年推出专辑:《Footprints》
  • 2023年推出专辑:《Live!》
  • 2023年推出专辑:《Remember -Tribute To Wes Montgomery》
  • 2023年推出专辑:《Strings!》
  • 2021年推出专辑:《We'll Be Together Again》
  • 2009年推出专辑:《Footprints - EP》
  • 2009年推出专辑:《Consciousness/Live》
  • 1999年推出专辑:《Comin' And Goin'》
  • 1990年推出专辑:《El Hombre》
  • 1977年推出专辑:《Exit》