
简介: 杨梳媛的艺人档案 杨梳媛(NNOname)是澳洲华语说唱歌手,音乐风格以嘻哈音乐中的emo rap、mumble rap和trap为主。2017年参加悉尼 “校园Idol”大赛夺得季军之后,曾在唤醒Live House、2017年万圣音乐节等多个悉尼华语音乐活动演出,后以特邀说唱 更多>


 杨梳媛(NNOname)是澳洲华语说唱歌手,音乐风格以嘻哈音乐中的emo rap、mumble rap和trap为主。2017年参加悉尼 “校园Idol”大赛夺得季军之后,曾在唤醒Live House、2017年万圣音乐节等多个悉尼华语音乐活动演出,后以特邀说唱歌手身份参加《中国有嘻哈(澳洲站)》和《热血街舞团(澳洲站)》等活动,并在说唱歌手GAI的悉尼高校演出活动“What’s Up?”中担任演出嘉宾。


NNOname is an Australian-based Chinese rapper whose music falls mostly into emo rap, mumble rap and trap - all sub-genres of hip hop music. After finishing a 2017 talent competition in third place in Sydney, NNOname has since performed at local music events including ReCharge Live House and the 2017 Halloween Music Festival. She also appeared as a special guest at Australian auditions of two hip hop-themed Chinese reality TV shows, before performing at the university music event "Whats Up?" alongside Chinese rapper GAI.

杨舒羽详细资料(以下内容包含:杨舒羽 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)


  • 2020年推出专辑:《有志中国娃》