
简介: Ellinor Olovsdotter, known by her stage name Elliphant, is a Swedish pop artist. Her unique sound has been likened to a cross between M.I.A. 更多>

Ellinor Olovsdotter, known by her stage name Elliphant, is a Swedish pop artist. Her unique sound has been likened to a cross between M.I.A. and Diplo. The artist name Elliphant, was said to be a play on words between her name and the saying "Elephant in the room." She has featured in the media for her unique sound, including The Guardian and NME. Her debut single Tekkno Scene featured on the award winning video game, FIFA 13. In 2013 she released her first EP, which was self-titled. In 2014 this was followed up with her debut album, titled A Good Idea.
Elliphant was born in Stockholm, Sweden. At a young age she was introduced to travelling by her grandma, who took her to India at the age of 16. Following her journey to India, she decided to begin travelling the world. She stated in an interview that she had again spent time in India and also Burma.Her travelling allowed her to spend a summer travelling across the UK. She was heavily influenced by the urban sound when in London. One her return to Stockholm, she is said to have developed skills as an MC.
Ellinor Miranda Salome Olovsdotter1985年10月8日生于瑞典斯德哥尔摩,她的艺名Elliphant更广为人知,是瑞典歌手、词曲作者和说唱歌手。
古灵精怪的电音界新锐才女Elliphant,呛出的麻辣本色让你无法招架!来自瑞典斯德哥尔摩,全名为Ellinor Miranda Salome Olovsdotter的Elliphant,虽然从小对音乐有着无比兴趣,却也没有特别付出行动。 26岁时,在巴黎的一场派对上遇到制作人Tim Deneve,当时他急需找位能唱的歌手,协助完成Demo的录制,就这样的一个巧遇机缘,Elliphant正式步入歌坛,签进TEN Music Group。 2012年发行首支单曲〈Tekkno Scene〉,引起各方好评,传媒更与M.I.A.和Diplo相提并论,成为梅西担任代言的电玩《国际足盟大赛 13》重点衬乐。接着同名EP的问市,Elliphant知名度飘洋过海到了美国,吸引D​​r. Luke的青睐,即刻签入自设厂牌Kemosabe Records旗下,成为Kesha师妹。首张专辑《A Good Idea》,引爆一波女孩新势力,获得Charli XCX邀约,担任「Girl Power North America Tour」的开场嘉宾!

