简介: 外文名:Chris Corner国籍:英国姓名:iamxIAMX (I am X)是他的个人艺名 真实姓名Chris Corner 国别:英国 流派:Electronica ;Rock IAMX又一个成为我的新大陆,即将追随的新对象。完全一副英伦好嗓音,又是一个完完全全的妖男。音 更多>

外文名:Chris Corner



IAMX (I am X)是他的个人艺名
真实姓名Chris Corner
流派:Electronica ;Rock
IAMX又一个成为我的新大陆,即将追随的新对象。完全一副英伦好嗓音,又是一个完完全全的妖男。音乐风格虽说Chris Corner比较喜欢是电子风味,但是做出来的音乐却是电子加独立摇滚和英伦的风味。在加上他有着一副不赖的嗓音,并且操着英式唱腔。所以十分对我的胃口。Chris Corner所写的音乐,基本主题围绕着性爱,死亡,毒品,偏直的政治观点,怪异,颓废等,都是Chris Corner要表达阐述的对象。

专辑列表:01.《Live in Warsaw》
发行时间: 2008年11月14日
之前我并没听过IAMX的歌,也是从这张现场专辑才认识到了IAMX。相见恨晚。《Live in Warsaw》是一张现场专辑,如果你也并未接触到IAMX,那么你可以当作是一张精选辑去听,因为无论现场效果,还是乐器效果,还有演唱效果都是完美的。所以,建议从头到尾听。你也会得到惊喜。

01. The Alternative
02. Bring Me Back A Dog
03. The Negative Sex
04. President
05. Mercy
06. Lulled by Numbers
07. Song Of Imaginary Beings
08. Spit It Out
09. Kiss And Swallow
10. Missile
11. Your Joy Is My Low
02.《Kingdom Of Welcome Addiction 》
新大陆来了,现在妖男Chris Corner也要发行这第三张专辑《Kingdom Of Welcome Addiction 》。同样是十分惊艳,Chris Corner的外表造型依然是那么的艳丽,同时各种音效的混合,在加上钢琴,还有英伦摇滚式的感觉,Chris Corner的妖艳唱腔,足够的张力,超级推荐!

01.Nature Of Inviting
02.Kingdom Of Welcome Addiction
03.Tear Garden
04.My Secret Friend
05.An I For An I
06.I Am Terrified
07.Think Of England
08.The Stupid,The Proud
09.You Can Be Happy
10.The Great Shipwreck Of Life
03.《My Secret Friend》
专辑介绍:"My Secret Friend" is the latest single from IAMX's recent album "Kingdom of Welcome Addiction" and features a rare duet with Imogen Heap, who herself has found recent chart success in USA, #5 on the Billboard chart and #2 on the download chart with her latest album. Surprisingly this is Chris Corners first duet with any artist of note but showing he has an as yet un-mined talent for collaborative material.
True to form "My Secret Friend" is yet another dark and innuendo filled electro pop gem, and is accompanied by a theatrical gender-bending video which throws Imogen into a twisted Tim Burton-esque down-the-rabbit-hole world of emotional mind games and inner demons. It's also interesting to note that this video is another first, being directed by Chris and filmed in his recently acquired studio complex, an old ruined GDR [East Germany] building just outside Berlin.
The single features a radio edit and a couple of remixes, including a mix with additional programming from Joe Wilson, a previous partner of Chris Corner from their days together in the Sneaker Pimps.

01 My Secret Friend (Radio Edit) IAMX;Imogen Heap
02 My Secret Friend (Omega Man Remix) IAMX;Imogen Heap
03 My Secret Friend (The Unfall Broken Waltz Rework)
04.《Dogmatic Infidel Comedown OK》

01 nature of inviting (black light odyssey remix)
02 tear garden (unfall chocolatefurwine remix)
03 you can be happy (combichrist remix)
04 kingdom of welcome addiction (aestetic perfection remix)
05 the great shipwreck of life (pull out kings remix)
06 tear garden (unfall art deco remix)
07 think of england (miss derringer remix)
08 the stupid, the proud (index remix)
09 my secret friend (omega man remix)
10 i am terrified (alec empire remix)
11 an i for an i (unfall x-mess remix)
12 nature of inviting (terence fixmer remix)
13 running (cook,kirby remix)
05.《Volatile Times》

01 I Salute You Christopher
02 Music People
03 Volatile Times
04 Fire and Whispers
05 Dance With Me
06 Bernadette
07 Ghosts of Utopia
08 Commanded by Voices
09 Into Asylum
10 Cold Red Light
11 Oh Beautiful Town

