
简介: 邱烈丰是印尼土生土长的华裔。在中文和中华文化在印尼被禁的那个年代﹐他却深深爱上了中文和华语流行音乐﹐因而也自小透过有限的资源自学中文。对小时候的烈丰来说﹐能每一首听过的华语歌曲是那麽的珍贵。每一块存下钱买到的磁带是何其的有价值。长大后凭着一口流利的华语和对华语流行音乐的认识﹐称为 更多>




Andy Qiu is an Indonesian-born Chinese. In the era of Chinese language and culture was banned in Indonesia, he was however deeply in love with Mandarin and Mandarin songs. He also self-learned Mandarin through the limited resources.

For the time of the young Andy, every Chinese songs that he listened to was so precious. He saved his hardly earned money to buy Chinese cassettes.

When he grew up, with a fluent Mandarin speaking ability and knowledge about Chinese pop music, Andy became a famous music program presenter and producer in a Chinese radio station in Jakarta. While promoting Chinese songs through the program, he also encouraged Indonesian young people to create Indonesian own Chinese songs. In the process, he also set an example by personally taking part in producing Chinese songs with some friends who cherish the same ideals. He hope that one day their work can be favored by many people thus give impetus to more Indonesian youngsters to learn Chinese and create Chinese music.

Andy did not have professional singing training background. As his Chinese, he did it through self-learning. He does not have superb singing skill. His voice features warmness. Andy's dream is one day he can sing on a Chinese music stage on behalf of his beloved country Indonesia.

邱烈丰详细资料(以下内容包含:邱烈丰 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)


  • 2023年推出专辑:《丰言丰语》
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  • 2023年推出专辑:《丰情万有 全创作专辑》
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