
简介: Sarah Sharp and Andrea Perry became a duo in October 2010. Together they wrote 20 songs between October 1 and May 1, mostly as works-for-hir 更多>

Sarah Sharp and Andrea Perry became a duo in October 2010. Together they wrote 20 songs between October 1 and May 1, mostly as works-for-hire for FirstCom music. After a summer break, they are swinging back into production for fall 2011/spring 2012. Their focus is on songwriting and recording, rather than touring and live performances. They both maintain solo careers, and Sarah also performs frequently with her exuberant swing/jazz band, the Jitterbug Vipers.
Sarah also continues her side career as a music supervisor, while Andrea works for game company Bioware and writes music for commercials and other media.

Kaliyo详细资料(以下内容包含:Kaliyo 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)


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