
简介: 乐队成员  
Ville - Vocals主唱  
Haiwe - Guitar 吉他   
Jaakko - Guitar 吉他   
Tommi - Bass 贝司   
Oskari - Drums鼓
Flinch 更多>

Ville - Vocals主唱  
Haiwe - Guitar 吉他   
Jaakko - Guitar 吉他   
Tommi - Bass 贝司   
Oskari - Drums鼓
Flinch起初是由一个校园乐队成长为一支充满活力的芬兰旋律摇滚乐队。Flinch于2008年9月4日发行了他们的新专辑"Irrallaan"。乐队的第二张专辑经主唱Ville的哥哥,芬兰乐队Negative的灵魂人物Jonne Aaron参与制作。乐队的处女作"Kuvastin"于2006年一经发行即获芬兰官方音乐榜的第17位。两首单曲"Liikaa" 和 "Tuulet"分别位居单曲榜的第2和第3。
2007年春季乐队彻底改变了阵容,仅留下乐队的创始人之一和主唱,Ville。对于阵容发生如此大的变化,他的解释是:“这个乐队已经到了除了分裂就没有其他选择的地步,乐队成员想要做其他的事情。尽管阵容改变了,Fans依旧忠实的追随我们,其他的成员也享受着以自己的方式来演出(原文为and others too have found their way to gigs,此处不知Ville是在指乐队现在的成员保持自己的风格,还是指原成员在乐队分裂后继续着演出)使自己快乐。迄今为止反馈是积极的。”
虽然未来看似光明,暗夜星光还是投射出了一些阴影。一些乐队前成员计划因"Flinch“这个名称起诉乐队。他称乐队的名字是他与Ville共同决定的。这个风波发生在2008年1月,其时正当“ Taivas Tähtiverhoineen ”开始在电台热播。专辑的第二首单曲,“ 1986 ” ,来自于即将发行的专辑“ Irrallaan ” 。其中包含两首单曲,共有10首不错的摇滚乐。
Flinch. From a school band, to a melodic, energetic Finnish rock Hornet, Flinch released their new album "Irrallaan" on 9.4.2008. The band's second album was produced by Ville's elder brother, Jonne Aaron, best known as the frontman of Negative. The band's debut album "Kuvastin" was released in 2006, and reached number 17 on the official Finnish album chart. The two singles released from the album "Liikaa" and "Tuulet" reached number 2 and 3 respectively on the single charts.
A complete change of lineup took place during spring 2007, leaving only the band's co-founder and frontman, Ville from the original lineup. Commenting on the split, Ville states that "The original lineup reached a point where there was no other option than to split. The band members wanted to do other things. Despite the change in our lineup, the fans have stayed with us faithfully, and others too have found their way to gigs, and have enjoyed themselves! The feedback so far has been positive."
The origins of the band can be traced back to 2003, when 5 schoolboys from Nokia founded the band. In the beginning, we were constantly accused of trying to emulate big brother's success, simply because Ville happened to be Jonne Aaron's little brother. Hard work, ambition, and a new lineup with its own plans and objectives and the band hopes to see new people, hungry for good music, at their gigs, to discover Flinch's happy, gloomy, yet hopeful world. Straying from big brother's example, Flinch perform in Finnish, although they share the target audience- good rock music lovers.
Although the future's bright, the stars in the sky illuminate a dark matter, some of the band's ex-members plan to sue for the right to the name Flinch with the former band member claiming that he and Ville decided on the band's name together. The old band members disquiet began in January 2008, when "Taivas Tähtiverhoineen" began playing on the radio. The second single from the album is called "1986", and comes from the upcoming album, "Irrallaan", which contains both singles, and a total of 10 good rock songs.

Flinch详细资料(以下内容包含:Flinch 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)


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