Nate Marialke

简介: Nate can be described as a singer/ songwriter with an edge. Nate has always enjoyed passionate and emmotional music, add that to his love fo 更多>

Nate can be described as a singer/ songwriter with an edge. Nate has always enjoyed passionate and emmotional music, add that to his love for the presence of God and you get a brand of infectious worship music that crosses genres and age barriers and reaches to the heart. From a young age Nate has carried a desire to experiance God within the arts and began writing songs to that end. After completing 2 Rock albums as the front man in the band Core. Nate ventured into a solo career in 2006 releasing "Heaven's Hero" a live album featuring several styles of music. In his latest project "Your Kingdom Come", due out in the summer of 2010 Nate teamed up with Producer Steve Hindalong (City on a Hill, The Choir, The Lost Dogs) in Nashville. In this much anticipated release Nate grows musically and lyrically venturing further into the modern rock genre while keeping the authentic worshipful edge he is known for. ..

