Elena Papandreou

简介: 埃琳娜·帕潘德丽欧1966年生于希腊首都雅典。1985年毕业于国立音乐学院,其间师从Vangelis Boudounis学习吉他。之后,她获得英国议会奖学金在英国皇家北方音乐学院深造,师从于Gordon Crosskey,并获得音乐表演专业文凭。 帕潘德丽欧曾参加过 更多>

埃琳娜·帕潘德丽欧1966年生于希腊首都雅典。1985年毕业于国立音乐学院,其间师从Vangelis Boudounis学习吉他。之后,她获得英国议会奖学金在英国皇家北方音乐学院深造,师从于Gordon Crosskey,并获得音乐表演专业文凭。 帕潘德丽欧曾参加过如迪亚兹(Alirio Diaz)、布里姆(Julian Bream)、吉利亚(Oscar Ghiglia)、布劳威尔(Leo Brouwer)以及基耶萨(Ruggero Chiesa)等多位名家的大师班课程。 她曾三次获得国际吉他大赛的第一名(Maria Callas、Gargnano、Alessandria)以及美国吉他基金会吉他大赛的第二名。她也由此进入到了Naxos唱片公司的“吉他桂冠系列”之中,而此前,她已经出版了5张唱片。1992年,帕潘德丽欧获得了雅典研究院颁发的“Spyros Motsenigos”奖,对于一个希腊音乐家来说,这是一个非常重要的奖项。 如今,帕潘德丽欧的足迹已经遍及北美的美国、加拿大以及欧洲的11个国家,很多著名的 音乐厅都已回荡过她美妙的琴声,其中包括维也纳爱乐音乐厅、科隆爱乐乐团音乐厅、柴可夫斯基音乐厅以及伊丽莎白女王音乐厅等等。1998年三月,帕潘德丽欧首次在美国纽约的卡耐基音乐厅举办音乐会,1999年6月,她再度受邀来到卡耐基音乐厅,与极乐弦乐四重奏(Elysium string quartet)共同演出。此外,很多著名作曲家,包括Nikos Mamangakis、Nikita Koshkin、Vangelis Boudounis以及Dimitris Nicolaou等等都把自己的作品题献给这位女艺术家。 帕潘德丽欧无论在希腊本土还是其它的地方都获得了非常高的评价。华盛顿邮报称她为“吉他诗人”,而一份希腊的报纸“TA NEA”则这样写道:“埃琳娜·帕潘德丽欧已成为最伟大的表演艺术家之一,每当琴声响起,批评的声音必定消散而去。”
Elena Papandreou was born in Athens on 7th March 1966. She studied the guitar with Evangelos Boudounis at theNational Conservatory and graduated in 1985 with honours. She gave her first concert at the age of 15. She continued her studies with Gordon Crosskey at the Royal Northern College of Music, England, on a British Council scholarship, obtaining the Diploma in Advanced Studies in Musical Performance (1986). She also had lessons with Oscar Ghiglia, Alirio Diaz, Julian Bream, Leo Brouwer and Ruggero Chiesa.
She has won the First Prize in three International Competitions, &Maria Callas& (Greece), &Gargnano& (Italy),&Alessandria& (Italy) and the Second Prize in the &Guitar Foundation of America& Competition. In the latter she was also awarded the &NAXOS& Prize, which gave her the opportunity to record two personal CDs with this company while she had previously released five other records. Since 2001 she collaborates with the Swedish BIS where she already released two CDs (works by N. Koshkin and R. Dyens). In 1992 she was honoured by the Academy of Athens with the &Spyros Motsenigos& Prize - a most important prize that is awarded to one outstanding performer every two years.
Elena Papandreou has performed in most European countries, as well as in the U.S.A., Canada, Brazil, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and Japan. Within the &Rising Stars& program of the &European Concert Hall Organisation& (ECHO), she gave concerts in some of the most prestigious halls in Europe, the Vienna Musikverein, the Koelner Philharmonie, the Birmingham Symphony Hall and the Athens Concert Hall. She has also played in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in Moscow and the Queen Elisabeth Hall in London. She frequently tours the U.S.A. and in 1998 she gave her Carnegie Hall debut in New York.
She has collaborated with outstanding musicians, the guitarists Alirio Diaz, Oscar Ghiglia, Roland Dyens, Nikita Koshkin, Evangelos Boudounis and Yorgos Mouloudakis, the violinists Leonidas Kavakos and Gerardo Ribeiro, the singers Vasso Papantoniou, Herbert Lippert and Nena Venetsanou and the flutist Stella Gadedi. Elena Papandreou has played as a soloist with the State Orchestras of Athens and Thessaloniki, the Camerata Orchestra, the Orchestra of Colours, the Orchestra of Patras and the Orchestra of Alessandria, Italy. Performances of hers were recorded by the Greek Television and Radio, Radio France, Deutsche Welle and the Turkish Television.
Elena Papandreou teaches at the &University of Macedonia& in Thessaloniki and at the National Conservatory in Athens, where she is also giving Postgraduate classes. Composers who have dedicated their works to her are Roland Dyens, Nikita Koshkin, Nikos Mamangakis (including a concerto for guitar and orchestra), Evangelos Boudounis, Giorgos Koumendakis and Dimitris Nicolau.
For her interpretations she has received laudatory comments from significant people of the music world and enthusiastic reviews from the Press in Greece and abroad. Alirio Diaz said about her: &Her musicality through her refined technique cannot but stir up the admiration of her audience&. And Leo Brouwer: &If you want to hear music of the highest level of interpretation with poetical perfection you must hear Elena Papandreou&. The Washington Post called her &a poet of the guitar& and the Greek newspaper &Ta Nea& wrote: &Now we see Elena Papandreou as one of the greatest interpreters [...] the critic becomes silent ... when the Music begins&.

Elena Papandreou详细资料(以下内容包含:Elena Papandreou 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)
Elena Papandreou生日:

Elena Papandreou档案之所有专辑

  • 2021年推出专辑:《Elena Papandreou plays Roland Dyens》