Zeus Faber

简介: Zeus Faber由两名受过专业古典训练的瑞士音乐家组成,Olivier Truan和Tristan Feldbauer,他们既是作曲家、键盘手,同时也是制作人,还是好友。Olivier Truan曾就读于巴塞尔音乐学院,曼哈顿音乐学院,以及波士顿伯克利音乐学院,并与多位艺术家 更多>

Zeus Faber由两名受过专业古典训练的瑞士音乐家组成,Olivier Truan和Tristan Feldbauer,他们既是作曲家、键盘手,同时也是制作人,还是好友。Olivier Truan曾就读于巴塞尔音乐学院,曼哈顿音乐学院,以及波士顿伯克利音乐学院,并与多位艺术家合作,诸如Cocodrilos和爵士乐萨克斯手Dave Peterson。Tristan Feldbauer 先后在瑞士,法国和意大利学习古典音乐,同时也是一名教师、考古学家、潜水员。 Zeus Faber是一种深海鱼,同时也是这支来自瑞士的乐队的名字。《Scubason》是他们的处女大碟,原始的欧洲爵士风格,演奏家充满魅力的灵魂演奏,演绎出惬意的海底氛围。专辑灵感来自能够随着海底环境而改变自身色泽的深海鱼类,两人搜集了大量的音乐素材。TRISTAN FELDBAUER对水下并不陌生,他利用自己曾为潜水员的大量潜水经验与OLIVIER TRUAN的音乐相结合。此大热专辑还得到了stellar等嘉宾音乐家的支持。 Tristan Feldbauer热爱海洋那波涛起伏的神秘感,之前他一直围绕这一概念进行创作,直到Olivier Truan带给了他一盘录音出现错误的样带。Tristan Feldbauer发现在类似钢琴素描的音色中加入一些粗糙的元素使音乐更加与众不同,于是Zeus Faber成立了。1993年的《Scubason》和1996年的《below》都运用了爵士乐和环境音乐相结合的音乐元素。 此张《Below》的每一首乐曲旋律都十分流畅,你可在心中轻轻哼唱。Zeus Faber 的这张《Below》在音质上的探索正是其难能可贵之处。这张专辑还有一个吸引人的地方就是每首乐曲都会使喜欢他的听者产生共鸣。键盘,口琴,吉他,萨克斯,鼓,和人声合唱经过精心编排,各种乐器巧妙融合,合而为一。 倾听《Mathilda》和《Early Morning》的吉他拨弦,当那和铉响起仿佛展现在我们面前的是脆弱的,人们选择放弃的世界。整张专辑向我们传达的是内心的平和,他将带我们进入人类的秘密花园。(以上由:道友莲音翻译,出处——See2say.com) 这两张专辑没有太多的描写海洋的气势宏伟、惊涛拍岸,更多的是从海底以"鱼"为视角向上描写海面的情况居多(这和他们喜欢潜水有关吧),另外更多的是以另一种角度模拟海底的声场,来描绘深海的静怡、神秘,把聆听者带入一个与众不同的海底世界,用声音展示了那些神秘的未知领域,让听者与大海融为一体有身临其境的奇妙感觉,随着乐声一起沉浸,一起下潜,一起畅游吧……
by Heather Phares
Zeus Faber consists of two classically trained Swiss musicians and friends, songwriter/keyboardist/programmer/co-producer Olivier Truan and songwriter/keyboardist/co-producer Tristan Feldbauer.
Truan studied at the Basel Conservatory of Music, the Manhattan School of Music, and the Berklee College of Music Boston, from which he graduated magna cum laude, and collaborated with artists such as Cocodrilos and jazz saxophonist Dave Peterson. Feldbauer studied with classical teachers in Switzerland, France, and Italy, and is also a teacher, archeologist, and master scuba diver.
Feldbauer's love of the sea and its mysteries shape the group's style. He had been working on this concept by himself for a couple of years when Truan took a demo tape from Feldbauer's house by mistake. Intrigued by the piano sketches he discovered, Truan joined Feldbauer in developing these rough compositions; the pair took the name Zeus Faber, after a fish that changes color to blend with its environment. Similarly, the duo blends jazz and ambient atmospherics on their albums, 1993's Scubason -- "sound of the deep" -- and 1996's Below. Signed to the Hearts of Space label after sending a demo CD of Scubason in a brown paper bag with a one-paragraph letter, Zeus Faber create ever-changing soundscapes that are as challenging as they are mellow.

