Spirea X

简介: Spirea X乐队1990年成立于Scotland的Glasgow,核心是Primal Scream的吉他手Jim Beattie。和其他英伦吉他乐队一样,他们同样也在迷幻吉他的缠绕声中寻找着自身的定义,于是也就自然而然的被卷入Shoegazing的浪潮中。(似乎也算不上,他们 更多>

Spirea X乐队1990年成立于Scotland的Glasgow,核心是Primal Scream的吉他手Jim Beattie。和其他英伦吉他乐队一样,他们同样也在迷幻吉他的缠绕声中寻找着自身的定义,于是也就自然而然的被卷入Shoegazing的浪潮中。(似乎也算不上,他们更加清澈爽朗).
Spirea X,Lush,Pale Saints这三支乐队常被相提并论,成了4AD的又一个标志,只是Spirea X昙花一现,只在4AD下出版了他们的唯一一张专集后便告解体。不过他们也并未就此结束,乐队成员后来又组成了另外一支乐队Adventures in Stereo。
Spirea X were an alternative rock band from Glasgow, Scotland, formed by Primal Scream founding member Jim Beattie in 1990.
After six years in the band, Jim Beattie left Primal Scream in 1988.Two years later he formed Spirea X, the name taken from a Primal Scream b-side (an instrumental track that he had written), announcing "We're going to do it...by having better songs, better melodies, better arrangements, better everything. By sheer force of ideas".The band's first demo prompted 4AD to sign them, their first release eagerly anticipated, with BBC 2's Snub TV featuring an interview with them and a couple of live tracks before they had released a single. The band's original bass player and guitarist soon left, Jamie O'Donnell and Thomas McGurk joining Beattie, his girlfriend Judith Boyle, and Andy Kerr in 1991.Debut EP Chlorine Dream was released in April 1991, the title track inspired by the life of Brian Jones.This was followed up by "Speed Reaction" and the album Fireblade Skies (the name taken from a volume of Arthur Rimbaud's poetry),both in 1991. Fireblade Skies met with positive critical reaction, Lime Lizard's Nick Terry stating: "If Jim Beattie's last longplaying endeavour, Primal Scream's Sonic Flower Groove, was a thoroughly flawed masterpiece, he's found his groove with Fireblade Skies".
Beattie was known for his self-confidence, verging on arrogance, once proclaiming himself to be God, and stating "David Icke is my bestest friend",[4] later saying "Yeah, I thought I was God before, but now I feel more like Jesus".Beattie rejected comparisons with other bands of the era, stating "I don't think we fit in anywhere, really", and "I don't think we're egotistical like Ride are. I don't need to be egotistical, because I've got the music to back it up".
The band was subsequently reduced to a duo of Beattie and Boyle, and were dropped by 4AD in 1992, the band splitting the following year.
Beattie and Boyle resurfaced in 1994 with a new band, Adventures in Stereo.