Jon Maddux

简介: Jon Maddux is a Singer/Songwriter and Record Producer from San Diego, CA His previous band... (see bio)
More recently Jon has been wri 更多>

Jon Maddux is a Singer/Songwriter and Record Producer from San Diego, CA His previous band... (see bio)
More recently Jon has been writing and recording new original material, co-writing and/or producing with artists such as Lucy Walsh (Island/DefJam), Juliet Simms (Sony/Epic) The Plain White T's (Hollywood Records) The Valli Girls (Columbia), Charlie Midnight (Hillary Duff, Living in America) Ty Taylor (RockStar INXS), Candice(Mavrick), Erik Scott Smith (Home At The End Of The World, Feat. Collin Farrel) He has produced CD's for Independent Labels, written/recorded music for commercials on MTV and Time Warner and is currently working on several new projects co-writing with up and coming artists.

Jon Maddux详细资料(以下内容包含:Jon Maddux 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)
Jon Maddux生日:

Jon Maddux档案之所有专辑

  • 2023年推出专辑:《Alive》