
简介: 很多人认为英国黑金属不怎样但我可以告诉你这支乐团一定是你心目中的精品,Code还是今年第一次听就给人留下的深刻的印象,关键是这支乐团动用的黑氛围元素和唱法,以大量的键盘演奏来衬托黑暗的气氛,气势异常宏大。
1 hidden, mystery or 更多>

1 hidden, mystery or secret
2 life or death program instructions : hundreds of lines of code | assembly code.
3 a systematic collection of laws or regulations : the criminal code. a human version of html code to build your inner world/universe . . .
'Twas many a year ago the strange blackmetal collective known as Code was formed on a bleak English mid-winter day by composer extraordinaire Aort and wordsmith/singer Kvohst. The year was then 2002 and the band wrote and recorded a home-made demo/promo CD titled Neurotransmissions, releasing it themselves the following year. Sent and played only to friends and record labels, the band subsequently inked a deal drawn up in blood with Sami &Serpent& Tenetz and Spikefarm/Spinefarm Records. One of the few who heard the demo was the Norwegian gent and musical arch-magician Victonik from Ved Buens Ende and DHG and upon hearing it he offered his services as bass and backing vocalist, becoming the third founding member of the band.
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Location: London/Surrey, England, UK
Status: Active
Formed in: 2002
Years active: ? (as Seasonal Code), 2002-present
Genre: Progressive Black Metal
Lyrical themes: Paranoia, Illness, Personal Weakness, Death
Current label: Agonia Records
※ Aort - Guitars (2002-present)
※ Andras - Guitars (2008-present)
※ Syhr - Bass (2010-present)
※ Lordt - Drums (2010-present)
※ Wacian - Vocals (2011-present)

Code详细资料(以下内容包含:Code 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)


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