Dismal Euphony

简介: 乐队/艺人: Dismal Euphony
  风格: Death Metal/Black Metal(死亡/黑色金属) Heavy Metal(重金属) Prog-Rock/Art Rock(前卫/艺术摇滚)
  1992年ole k.helgesen与k 更多>

乐队/艺人: Dismal Euphony
  风格: Death Metal/Black Metal(死亡/黑色金属) Heavy Metal(重金属) Prog-Rock/Art Rock(前卫/艺术摇滚)
  1992年ole k.helgesen与kristoffer austrheim组建了一支死亡金属乐队名叫the headless children。两个人都只有13岁,几周以后,乐队完成了他们的第一张demo《close to death》,由于受到slayer和kreator等乐队的影响,乐队走的是death-speed metal的路线。随后的一年里,erik borgen和kenneth bergsagel加入乐队分别担任主唱和吉它手的工作。他们将乐队名改为carnal tomb,乐队的风格也越来越倾向与blackmetal,carnal tomb只创作出一首正式的歌曲“black funeral”,这首歌有可能收录在dismal euphony未来的专辑中。不久以后erik borgen离开乐队,ole成为乐队的主唱,linn achre tveit(keltziva)加入乐队担任女声主唱,她在乐队经后的发展中变得越来越重要,elin overskott担任乐队的键盘手。随着乐队的风格变得越来越旋律化,他们决定将乐队名再次改为dismal euphony,这标志着乐队建立起了自己新的风格。
  1995年,乐队发表了一张demo《spellbound》,此张demo在欧洲范围内引起了很多人的注意,不久,乐队与nocturnal art,malicious和napalm唱片公司分别签定了重新将demo作为乐队的小专辑出版的合同。专辑在世界范围内售出了近千张。《soria moria slott》是dismal euphony乐队的第一张正式专辑,这张专辑对于napalm唱片公司和乐队来说是非常成功的,随即乐队很快又发行了他们的第二张专辑《autumn leaves》,两张出色的专辑使metal blade和nuclear blast唱片公司开始对乐队产生兴趣。
  1999年,乐队在nuclearblast公司旗下出版了乐队的第三张专辑《all little devil》,与前两张专辑相比,似乎乐队也或多或少的沾染上了一些商业气息,但dismal euphony优美的女声演唱仍然使乐队受到了不少好评。dismal euphony作为挪威blackmetal音乐界的一分子,以其神秘的气氛和哀伤的旋律感染着世界,在dismal euphony的音乐中乐队加入了很多北欧民谣的成分,这使他们的音乐听起来少了一分邪恶感而取而代之的是神秘而哀伤的气氛,聆听他们的专辑时你仿佛置身于一部神话故事当中,古老的森林,神秘的山脉,悠扬的女声独唱,令人落泪的爱情故事,这一切你都可以从dismal euphony魅力十足的音乐中找到。
by Jason Ankeny
The Norwegian death metal band Dismal Euphony was led by Ole K. Helgesen and Kristoffer Austrheim, longtime friends who formed their first band, the Headless Children, in 1992 at the mutual age of 13. With the additions of vocalist Erik Borgen and guitarist Kenneth Bergsagel, a year later the group changed its name to Carnal Tomb; after Borgen was dismissed, Helgesen took over vocal chores, and following the recruitment of second vocalist Linn Achre Tveit and keyboardist Elin
Overskott, the revamped line-up was rechristened Dismal Euphony. In 1995 they recorded a demo, Spellbound, which created considerable interest throughout the European death metal underground; it was subsequently issued commercially as a self-titled EP on the Napalm label. The full-length Soria Moria Slott followed in 1996, and a year later Dismal Euphony returned with Autumn Leaves--The Rebellion of Tides. The success of the two albums brought the group to the attention of Nuclear Blast Records, which released their third album, All Little Devils, in 1999. Lady Ablaze followed a year later; Autumn Leaves and Python Zero were issued in early 2001.

