Years Spent Cold

简介: In a time where making a name for yourself means comforming to the bands around you, wearing eyeliner, or putting on a pair of girls pants, 更多>

In a time where making a name for yourself means comforming to the bands around you, wearing eyeliner, or putting on a pair of girls pants, Years Spent Cold continues to look the other way and progress with the same hardhitting style they have had from the very beggining. The Asian Sensastion Josh Bill and the combination of, cave dwelling, Franksama Bin Laden and, captain hook style shit, from JackWoodySparrow himself, have brought a new sense to the sound of Years Spent Cold. Along with the unique combination of a hardcore flow mixed with death metal riffs, comes harmonization, sing alongs, and an ongoing change of pace throughout every song. Stevie B hits you with an onslaught of heart pounding double kick and the occational blasts. In addition to the music, Kutz is giving you something lyrically that most metal bands dont. Words that are real and somethign you can relate to. There are no stories of dungeons and dragons forced down your throat over and over. These songs are written straight from the heart and is what drives these guys to get out and do what they are doing.
"As Kutz, the stocky bearded singer of Years Spent Cold launches into a song the pit erupts. Some of the dancers look like they're shadowboxing. Others whip their arms in furious windmills. Most of the audience stands back to form a giant U around the pit, with kids occasionally steeling themselves and rushing into the mayhem, their own fists swinging. Occasionally a group of dancers swarms Kutz, forminga kind of pulsating football huddle, and shouts into the microphone along with him. There's no divide between band and audience , and its thrilling to watch"
-Rollingstone Magazine, August, 23rd 2007

Years Spent Cold详细资料(以下内容包含:Years Spent Cold 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)
Years Spent Cold生日:

Years Spent Cold档案之所有专辑

  • 2008年推出专辑:《Moving Heaven to Hell》