Lazarus A.D.

简介: Lazarus A.D.,来自美国的Trash Metal新乐队,带来09年处女专辑The Onslaught..网上暂时没搜到相关的介绍,有人给这支新乐队定义的音乐风格是“Modern thrash metal”,本人试听了一遍后,觉得这个说法不错,感觉曲风脱胎于老式Trash 更多>

Lazarus A.D.,来自美国的Trash Metal新乐队,带来09年处女专辑The Onslaught..网上暂时没搜到相关的介绍,有人给这支新乐队定义的音乐风格是“Modern thrash metal”,本人试听了一遍后,觉得这个说法不错,感觉曲风脱胎于老式Trash的老套编曲,且结构Riff多变...
Current line-up
Dan Gapen - Guitars and Backing Vocals
Alex Lackner - Guitars (Defy (US))
Jeff Paulick - Bass, Vocals
Ryan Shutler - Drums
by James Christopher Monger
Wisconsin-based thrash outfit Lazarus A.D. formed in spring of 2005 around the talents of guitarist/vocalist Dan Gapen, bassist/vocalist Jeff Paulick, guitarist Alex Lackner, and drummer Ryan Shutler. Employing a ferocious sonic assault that draws heavily from the Bay Area thrash scene of the '80s while maintaining a modern melodic, groove-based edge, the quartet landed its first break in 2006 after opening for Anthrax. Fueled by the local success of their three-song EP, the band hit the road and then the studio, self-releasing their debut album in 2007. The Onslaught received rave reviews from the metal underground, resulting in an offer from Earache Records to appear on an upcoming compilation called Thrashing Like a Maniac. The band inked a deal with Metal Blade the following year, who reissued The Onslaught in early 2009.

Lazarus A.D.详细资料(以下内容包含:Lazarus A.D. 歌曲列表 专辑唱片列表等信息)
Lazarus A.D.生日:

Lazarus A.D.档案之所有专辑

  • 2011年推出专辑:《Black Rivers Flow》
  • 2009年推出专辑:《The Onslaught》