dZihan & Kamien

简介: 维也纳电爵二人组Dzihan & Kamien 电爵沙发 别小看了这两个其貌不扬的家伙 做的电子沙发音乐可是一流的水准 很多大厂牌的Lounge合辑都能见到这个组合的身影。
数年前,听到Dzihan & Kamien与二十二位乐手合作的维也纳现场专辑,音乐好,录音亦好, 更多>

维也纳电爵二人组Dzihan & Kamien 电爵沙发 别小看了这两个其貌不扬的家伙 做的电子沙发音乐可是一流的水准 很多大厂牌的Lounge合辑都能见到这个组合的身影。
数年前,听到Dzihan & Kamien与二十二位乐手合作的维也纳现场专辑,音乐好,录音亦好,两全其美。这些年,间或看到各地舞曲粉丝的blog上提及那张现场,莫不是呱呱叫好。可见出类拔萃的牛逼货决计成不了私人的压箱宝。不会发光的金子多了去了,但星星总会一闪一闪,划破浊空,哪怕四处叫嚣着环境污染。
Dzihan & Kamien头顶的厂牌叫couch。没记错的话,这是一家奥地利的厂牌。在东欧,此类专营舞曲的“苍蝇小馆”不少,也不多。Couch底下的另一位音乐人de vibroluxe亦算我的心头好(在作品里融入台湾mm的口白:“此时此刻,我爱你,我的爱人。”嗲到极致)到今年,couch出品的专辑数用两只手是数不过来了,但两双手还算绰绰有余。我们常说“少而精,少而精”,重复的次数多了,这条连常识都不够格的口头禅居然跃升成了真理。可没量,哪来质呢?粒粒珠玉和生了孩子的处女一样,是神话,童话,不插人间啥事。Couch底下几位音乐人的水准和便和Dzihan & Kamien差上一截(或一大截),音乐到底是看技艺的纯熟,乐感的熟捻,不是靠作坊之小来撑脸面。拥Dzihan & Kamien,是couch的幸事。
by Diana Potts
The sound of Vienna-based duo dZihan & Kamien (pronounced Jay-hahn and Kammy-en) can easily be compared with the downtempo, soulful house sounds of Jazzanova, P'taah, or the Naked Music compilations. The duo hit popularity in 1996 with the single "Der Buch," which went big in European clubs and made appearances on several compilations. Their full-length album Freaks & Icons was released in late 2000.
Vlado dZihan, originally from Sarajevo, grew up in a predominantly musical household. As a drummer, dZihan became known on the local scene and recorded for the soundtrack of the film Arizona Dream, starring Johnny Depp and Faye Dunaway. He met his production partner, Mario Kamien, while studying in Vienna. Kamien, German-born with both an Italian and Polish heritage, shared dZihan's interest in traditional music, from the Near East, especially Turkey, and a love for Arabic strings. Combining their musical interests with their musical backgrounds, the two released Freaks & Icons on their label, Couch Records. The album focused on a downtempo-house sound, using samples from traditional Near East sources. Freaks & Icons was proceeded by three EP's, Tearroom 2004, [B]efore [A]fter, and Code: No Pork Please. The mix album Refreaked appeared a year later, followed by 2002's Gran Riserva.