Kevin Kendle

简介: 出生于1966年的 Kevin Kendle 从8岁起就开始了他的音乐生涯。他为很多剧目和公司创作过乐曲,其中包括BBC电视台。他的作品被世界各地的广播电台播放过,而其中的“Eventide Music”系列在英国更是被作为BBC电台的指定曲目。Kevin 更多>

出生于1966年的 Kevin Kendle 从8岁起就开始了他的音乐生涯。他为很多剧目和公司创作过乐曲,其中包括BBC电视台。他的作品被世界各地的广播电台播放过,而其中的“Eventide Music”系列在英国更是被作为BBC电台的指定曲目。Kevin Kendle 很早就意识到音乐具备影响人的情绪、创造各种气氛和让人松弛的力量。1992年,他开始创作属于他自己的音乐,这些音乐能够让听者沉醉在他不可思议的旋律之中。他这种基于充分考虑听者感觉享受的特色风格,蕴含的温暖柔和、安全舒适的听觉体验,受到了很多音乐爱好者的欢迎和追捧,并将其归类为新世纪音乐。
by Jason Birchmeier
A master of the alternative healing arts, particularly relaxation, Kevin Kendle uses music to affect the moods of his listeners in positive ways, inspiring a sense of calmness and serenity. The English-born multi-instrumentalist has created scores for various British productions, ranging from theater to television, and has also recorded numerous albums for New World Music, a Colorado-based new age label, beginning with Clouds in November 1999. The album proved successful, and Kendle followed with a similar effort, Flowers, in 2001. In addition, he recorded relaxation-themed albums for New World -- Pure Peace (2000) and Pure Dreaming (2001) -- and also contributed a volume to the label's Mind-Body-Soul series, Tarot (2000). In 2002 New World issued Music for Yoga: Relaxing Yoga, a one-hour Kendle recording intended as a soundtrack to slow-flow or "liquid" yoga.

