Kim Janssen

简介: 一个夜晚、一个角落、一把吉他、一段段的吟唱随着太阳一起升起。音符原始而又纯粹。kim janssen就是这样一个简单的歌者,kim janssen出生于荷兰的一个小镇,小时候随着父母四处漂泊,从喜马拉雅的雪地到曼谷的霓虹,足迹遍及亚洲的很多城市,不断的漂泊让kim总是感到忧伤,每 更多>

一个夜晚、一个角落、一把吉他、一段段的吟唱随着太阳一起升起。音符原始而又纯粹。kim janssen就是这样一个简单的歌者,kim janssen出生于荷兰的一个小镇,小时候随着父母四处漂泊,从喜马拉雅的雪地到曼谷的霓虹,足迹遍及亚洲的很多城市,不断的漂泊让kim总是感到忧伤,每到深夜他总是拿起吉他去述说对于朋友的思念,不久他返回荷兰,录制了4首歌的demo赠与朋友,一个偶然的机会被来自纽约的音乐人Lance Labreche听到,由此kim开始了他的美国之行,去年春天kim踏上了去往马萨诸塞偏远小镇的火车,那里有制作人Robby Baier自己的工作室,他们每天做的事情就是对着各种老式乐器,唱出他们心中的歌谣,记录下每一天的音乐心情,回到荷兰后kim收到了当地厂牌VOLKOREN的邀请,首张专辑《The Truth Is, I Am Always Responsible》也于今年正式发行。
Kim Janssen (yaen-sen) grew up following his folks around various cities all over Asia. From little villages below the Himalayas where he took long trips through the snow, to Bangkok, where the lights from skyscrapers and long lines of traffic would make the city glow long after young Kim had fallen fast asleep.
Sometimes he stayed up at night drinking coffee and playing his guitar behind his desk, humming a long softly so as not to wake anybody up. He found he could draw from his memories and make up stories, even visit all the places he missed and the friends he had left behind. It gave some comfort even if it was a little tarnished, because you can't shake a wistfulness for the old days.
He returned home to Holland where he borrowed a four track and a mic from an acquaintance and recorded his songs, putting them on a cd and hiding it under his bed. It made its way however into the hands of a manager in New York by the name of Lance Labreche and before Kim knew it he was covering up against a harsh winter in New York City.
In the spring he took a train up into Massachusetts to a small town tucked away in the Berkshire hills. He spent ten days in an old, abandoned train station where producer Robby Baier had built a studio and kept most of the many instruments he had collected over the years. Kim sang and played his guitar parts and also found an old acoustic piano, sleigh bells, a fender rhodes, a howler, some thunder and a little toy piano. Robby invited his friends to come over and play drums, upright bass, pedal steel string guitar and trumpet.
Kim had also been fortunate enough to cross paths with Marla Hansen who he had been listening to on Sufjan Steven's “Songs for Christmas” all winter, and managed to convince her to sing and play viola one afternoon in her apartment in Brooklyn between tours with My Brightest Diamond and The National.
He returned home in the summer where his songs and news of his travels had reached the ears of Dutch label VOLKOREN who offered to release his recordings. Although the record (Kim decided to call it “The Truth Is, I Am Always Responsible”) isn't coming out until the beginning of next year, Kim has been busy recording the “V” ep to celebrate his label’s fifth birthday and writing “Major Cities”, a collection of songs that he performs with twenty of his friends.