
简介: Lamya 兰雅是这样的一个组合:『 Bjork 碧玉 的实验性+ Desrée黛丝瑞 的灵魂唱腔+ Macy Gray 梅西葛雷 的歌声运用+ India Arie 印蒂雅艾瑞 的groovy节奏+ Tracy Chapman 崔西恰普曼 的民谣精神+ Britney Spea 更多>

Lamya 兰雅是这样的一个组合:『 Bjork 碧玉 的实验性+ Desrée黛丝瑞 的灵魂唱腔+ Macy Gray 梅西葛雷 的歌声运用+ India Arie 印蒂雅艾瑞 的groovy节奏+ Tracy Chapman 崔西恰普曼 的民谣精神+ Britney Spears 小甜甜布兰妮的青春+ 波西米亚式的 R&B 』。
这样无限可能的组合体,并且交织了一位鬼才的光华 --- 曾帮 Bjork 碧玉 制作写歌的 Nellee Hooper!专辑中十二首歌有五首就是由 Nellee Hooper 为她制作的。而 Lamya 兰雅 也大肆的向大家展现其才华,当中有十一首的词曲都是由她亲自谱写,或参与创作,而每首歌的制作、编曲,也都是她亲自操刀。别看她还是新人,她可是已经有了自己的版权公司「Lamya Music Publishing」了!
Born in the country of Oman, Lamya was raised in Kenya and then educated in England and Egypt. Singing before she could talk, Lamya (pronounced "lamb-ya") was a classically trained opera singer and vocalist. After watching an interview with Madonna from New York City, Lamya ran away to New York to pursue her musical career. After going from dance club to dance club and asking to sing, she caught her first break in New York City in 1991. Singing lead vocals on "Break 4 Love" by DJ Vaughn Mason, the song led to her singing lead vocals for Soul II Soul. From there, Lamya joined Duran Duran on tour and also performed with David Bowie and James Brown. In 2002, Lamya released her debut album, Learning From Falling. Singing, producing, and composing all of her own songs, the five-octave singer used poems written since age 11 as lyrical content. Lamya has been compared to Björk and Kate Bush in her style and vocal abilities. She has also appeared on The Tonight Show.

