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Wappenbund-德国军事重镇Greyland的标志性乐队,一个军工界的不朽神话,一个让万千军乐爱好者朝拜的名字。成立于1999年,由德国军乐家Sven Bussler一手组建,与众多音乐家有着合作,Wappenbund的音乐以军事为主线,宏伟的交响乐作为铺 更多>

Wappenbund-德国军事重镇Greyland的标志性乐队,一个军工界的不朽神话,一个让万千军乐爱好者朝拜的名字。成立于1999年,由德国军乐家Sven Bussler一手组建,与众多音乐家有着合作,Wappenbund的音乐以军事为主线,宏伟的交响乐作为铺垫,人声布道和战争采样也是Wappenbund音乐中不可缺少的重要元素,张狂的军事倾向与雄浑有力的军鼓与新古典交响乐完美结合,Sven的天才编排使得Wappenbund在军事乐界所向披靡,成为一线军团中的头号乐队,德国军事之王地位无人动摇。
Martial industrial project founded by german musician Sven Bussler in March 1999. Wappenbund is the musical continuation of his previous project Ophir, and often includes collaborations with various other artists. Wappenbund plays a harsh epic music of bombastic martial drumming and neo-classical melodies, often accompanied by Sven's distorted vocals. The first material was a self-released cassette in 1999 entitled "Schlacht". In 2000, the EP "Blood And Fire" was released and marked the founding of Bussler's label Greyland Records. The first full-length "Zeitenwende" was released in 2001. While 2003 saw the release of the boxset "Preußen" and the CDr "Schlacht - The Final Chapter", which included material from the 1999 cassette aswell as new tracks. Intended as the final album of new material, "Kinder Des Lichtes" was released in 2004, and a CDr of rare and unreleased tracks entitled "Heimatsflamme" come out the following year. The project (Wappenbund) and it's label (Greyland) announced their end in 2004, although continue to be active on occasional projects.