Sur Sudha

简介: 小简介
成立于1989年来自尼泊尔的大师级三人民间音乐演奏团,Sur Sudha。 
Surendra Shrestha - 手鼓,。Surendra Shrestha在8岁时便对手鼓产生了浓厚的兴趣,9岁开始正式师从尼泊尔知名手鼓演奏家Raju Agrawa 更多>

成立于1989年来自尼泊尔的大师级三人民间音乐演奏团,Sur Sudha。 
Surendra Shrestha - 手鼓,。Surendra Shrestha在8岁时便对手鼓产生了浓厚的兴趣,9岁开始正式师从尼泊尔知名手鼓演奏家Raju Agrawal,同时也为一些民间及现代音乐进行伴奏,直到14岁他才又重新回到他对传统音乐的研习上来。后来他在印度的专业培训时上掌握了娴熟出色的演奏技艺。在乐队成立之前的1985年至1988年他一直在私授一些学生手鼓的演奏技巧。
Prem Rana - 长笛。12岁的时候他就去印度跟从著名世界笛子演奏家Pandit Hari Prasad Chaurasia学习了6年正规的笛子演奏。15岁,他初次登台是与一个孟买的管弦乐队演奏印度电影音乐。20岁时Rana回到了他的祖国,将传播尼泊尔音乐这一使命正式写入了他的人生。在进入乐队后的1988年他作为尼泊尔独奏音乐家参加了在澳大利亚的世界音乐展演会,迄今为止,Rana已获得了来自加拿大新斯科舍以及尼泊尔国王的最高荣誉及褒奖,他带着他的音乐也先后谒见了英国查尔斯王子,德国总统和尼泊尔国王。 +@2O!VwX6uVa&C
Tara Bir Tuladhar - 锡塔尔琴。Tara Bir Tuladhar在1974年完成了印度阿拉哈巴德的音乐硕士学位攻读,现在他自己也是尼泊尔Tribhuvan大学的一名教师。
这是三种在尼泊尔广受欢迎的乐器,Sur Sudha通过这三种民族乐器致力于将西马拉雅山脉一带的尼泊尔传统音乐介绍给全世界的听众。
Sur Sudha is known as Nepal's MUSICAL AMBASSADORS' and are devoted to making music to disseminate a universal message of peace and harmony supporting the effort alleviate poverty from the face of the earth. Through its music, Sur Sudha bring to the world the message of peace propounded by its son of the soil, Lord Buddha and demonstrate how two of the world's great religions-Hindu and Buddhism-find perfect fusion in Nepal. Sur Sudha seek to promote these ideals through traditional Nepali instrumental music rendered with the flute, sitar and tabla; three instruments most popular in Nepal Sur Sudha consist of three sons of Nepal
These three talented musicians have built a reputation for their innovative interpretations of traditional Nepali folk tunes and for composing their own original music, stretching the parameters of a formal setting of a trio. Their CD album. showcase the virtuosity of the individual musicians and offer listeners an opportunity to go on a musical journey through Nepal-from the Tarai (pastoral lowlands) to the remote areas of Mustang, nestled high in the mighty Himalaya.
Sur Sudha have held more than 2,000 concerts, on the steps of ancient Hindu temples to the concert stages of Europe, India, Japan and the USA, and have been the subject of TV aries in France and Germany. The trio has already released four CD. Melodies of Nepal, Image of Nepal, Festivals of Nepal and Third Eye- except the last one others are available worldwide through Schtung Records in collaboration with Universal Music (formerly MCA) supported by BMG Records and Warner/Chappell.
In the International front, Sur Sudha's music is widely recognized by music companies, Sur Sudha is coming with new album dedicating to Mt. Everest print and electronic media through out the world. Sur Sudha held second position in KALX WORLD MUSIC CHART for the week ending May 11, 1998 as the most frequently played international music. This apart, Sur Sudha remained in the top ten in the KALX World Music Chart for months as a popular world music in 1998