
简介: Nebelung这个词在古代德语里的意思是“十一月”,德国人认为这是一年中最悲伤的月份,因为她是秋天的最深处,也是严冬之神将要君临天下前遣来的信使。乐队认为这个名字可以很好的表达他们伤感的曲风。
这支乐队的成员实际上只有两 更多>

这支乐队的成员实际上只有两个,Stefan Otto负责了大部分曲目的创作及乐器的编配,Thomas List则负责吉他。早在1997年,这两个同样喜欢文学和音乐的年轻人就彼此认识,很快他们就组建了第一支乐队,不过竟然是个布鲁斯乐团;在随后的数年内,他们又尝试过从金属到工业噪音等许多种不同的音乐风格,Nebelung这支乐队是他们音乐灵感上的一次反朴归真,效果却相当的好。
Nebelung as a project was born in the autumn of 2004. Still its roots lead further back to a fullmoon Beltane night in the year of 1999, when Stefan and Thomas were wandering the forests around the Brocken in the Harz Mountains. In this night the woods revealed their stunning beauty and gave rise to a higher mystical understanding of man and nature. It is this spirituality, which inspires Nebelung to their lyrics and music - dreaming deeper into woods and silence.
Nebelung is the ancient german name for november, the month of melancholy and herald of forthcoming winter. It is at this time of the year – when the last leaves have fallen and the land lies bare and bleak –, when man has to lay down his weapons and confess his weakness towards the omnipotence of nature. It is the time of coming home, embracing the beloved ones and drawing nearer to the fire. For those, who wander lonely through the nights, it is the time of introspectiveness, sorrow and despair. With their music, Nebelung capture these feelings, mirroring in autumn rain and winter nights.
Genre: Darkfolk | Acoustic | Instrumental
Stefan Otto - classical guitar, voice
Thomas List - steel-string acoustic guitar
Katharina Hoffmann - Cello

