Edward MacDowell

简介: 爱德华·亚历山大·麦克道威尔是浪漫主义时期美利坚合众国最知名的作曲家之一,同时他还是一位画家。他最为著名的作品是《第二钢琴协奏曲》与钢琴独奏《林间素描》,《海之曲》,《炉边故事》,《新英格兰田园诗》。其中《林间素描》包含了他最受欢迎的短篇
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Edward Alexander MacDowell (December 18, 1860 – January 23, 1908) was an American composer and pianist of the Romantic period. He was best known for his second piano concerto and his piano suites Woodland Sketches, Sea Pieces and New England Idylls. Woodland Sketches includes his most popular short piece, "To a Wild Rose".
In 1904 he was one of the first seven Americans honored by membership in the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
Edward MacDowell was born in New York City. He received his first piano lessons from Juan Buitrago, a Colombian violinist who was living with the MacDowell family at the time. He later received lessons from friends of Buitrago, including the Venezuelan pianist and composer Teresa Carreño.

