Broadway Project

简介: 小简介
Broadway Project是英国制作人Dan Berridge的个人Project,这个个人Project做的音乐很难用现成的类型来指认,这里有现代Jazz乐团的演奏配置,但他们不只是演奏演唱当代Jazz;这里还有电子器材的大量运用,鼓机肯定少不了,采样更 更多>

Broadway Project是英国制作人Dan Berridge的个人Project,这个个人Project做的音乐很难用现成的类型来指认,这里有现代Jazz乐团的演奏配置,但他们不只是演奏演唱当代Jazz;这里还有电子器材的大量运用,鼓机肯定少不了,采样更是他的拿手好戏;优雅的旋律绝对不缺,但只是一些点到为止的片断,不会烂俗到让你想起好莱坞抒情;节奏和音色的试验还是有,但绝对不会是让一般乐迷难以忍受的超前卫.
这样说吧,如果你喜欢Trio-hop的影像感,Towntempo的缓拍,Fusion Jazz/Avant-Garde的乐器演奏,一些先锋的电子意识,那你会喜欢Broadway Project的唱片,当然Broadway Project的音乐不是这些原素的大拼凑,Dan Berridge的三张唱片完全属于他个人的风格,一种音乐品味和制作技术高度融合而产生的极具电影戏剧感的听觉体验
A chronic bout of myalgic encephalomyelitis, or chronic fatigue syndrome, was the catalyst for Dan Berridge's Broadway Project. An illness without cure that strikes sufferers down with a combination of fatigue and poor concentration often resulting in a subsequent depression, Berridge left his home in London for his parent's house in Sussex to recuperate. With many sufferers advised to take on something creative, Berridge bought a sampler and, drawing on influences ranging from Tom Waits and Miles Davis through to 1970s jazz-funk, was quick to find his own take on melancholic, instrumental hip-hop for the Memphis Industries label. His combination of DJ Shadow's cut and paste approach with the '60s film aesthetic of Portishead and the optimism of Saint Etienne saw Berridge conjuring beauty from his overworked Akai sampler, whose bank of stolen sounds blended modern classical, rock solos, and obtuse vocals into a wide-eyed future sound reminiscent of Aphex Twin or Future Sound of London. A handful of hard to find extended players laid out his musical agenda before the Compassion album filled in the full cinematic majesty of the project.

