The Dodos

简介: 小简介
乡村蓝调指弹吉他+西非埃维鼓击+金属+独立流行”会是什么东东?美国旧金山二人组合The Dodos在Myspace上这样自我描述过。在他们的这第2张专辑中(也是首张由独立厂牌正式发行的唱片),我们可以见识到The Dodos这种古怪的音乐杂交品种。在 更多>

乡村蓝调指弹吉他+西非埃维鼓击+金属+独立流行”会是什么东东?美国旧金山二人组合The Dodos在Myspace上这样自我描述过。在他们的这第2张专辑中(也是首张由独立厂牌正式发行的唱片),我们可以见识到The Dodos这种古怪的音乐杂交品种。在这张基本上由木吉他与鼓完成的唱片中,的确可以领略到“乡村蓝调指弹吉他+西非埃维鼓击”的神奇魔力,主唱/吉他手Meric Long与鼓手Logan Kroeber带来的灵光四射的迷幻民谣,让人们马上将他们与新迷幻民谣大佬Animal Collective相提并论。毫无疑问,将动听优美的迷幻民谣演绎成这样极具张力的爆炸品,让The Dodos一下子成了北美新民谣运动中极耀眼的超新星。
Originally formed in 2006 as Dodobird by multi-instrumentalist Meric Long, unpredictable San Francisco indie rock duo the Dodos acquired their new moniker with the arrival of Logan Kroeber, a fellow West Coast artist whose penchant for experimental drumming and progressive metal melded perfectly with Long's interest in West African Ewe drumming and country blues fingerpicking. The Dodos released their debut album, Beware of the Maniacs, that same year independently, followed by Visiter in 2008.

