
简介: Quarashi来自冰岛的雷克雅未可,据说团体名称取自穆斯林先知Muhammad的姓氏,也是其MC Stoney Fjelsted的昵称。乐队组建于1996年,曾在1997年推出过首张专辑,并在冰岛取得金唱片销量。同年应邀担任Prodigy与Fugees的开场乐队,1999乐队推 更多>

Quarashi来自冰岛的雷克雅未可,据说团体名称取自穆斯林先知Muhammad的姓氏,也是其MC Stoney Fjelsted的昵称。乐队组建于1996年,曾在1997年推出过首张专辑,并在冰岛取得金唱片销量。同年应邀担任Prodigy与Fugees的开场乐队,1999乐队推出的第二张专辑《Xeneizes》让他们有机会到美国表演。这张于2001年发表的《Jinx》更是让乐队进入巅峰状态,单曲《Stick Em Up》受到大批说唱爱好者的喜爱(该曲被选入热播剧集《橘子郡男孩》(Orange County)的原声音乐)。尽管到hip-hop的发源地美国推广他们的说唱音乐似乎是件班门弄斧的事情,甚至有人说他们不过是Bestie Boy的再版,但是这些风言风语似乎并没有动摇他们的雄心。AMG给他们这张的评价也并不高,不过美国人一向是这副德行,更何况美国有更走红的Linkin Park坐阵,欧洲团体想来抢饭碗,谈何容易!
抛开美国佬的评说,单纯从音乐上来看,Quarashi的说唱表面上承袭的是金属说唱的外壳,而音乐根源仍旧是欧洲音乐的血脉。强劲节奏与灵活又霸道的Bass line、爽猛的吉他失真与三声部音色各异交错有致的说唱律动,出色的Scratch技巧与编配,其流畅与激情实在更多继承了北欧金属乐的风骨。
Though Icelandic rap-rock outfit Quarashi finally saw their U.S debut released in early 2002, the band had been honing its music since the mid-'90s. Producer/drummer Sölvi Blondal and vocalists/rappers Hössi Olafsson, Steini Fjelsted (a former Icelandic skating champion as well as a graffiti artist), and Omar Swarez formed Quarashi (pronounced "kwa-ra'-she") in 1996. The band's name, a term meaning "supernatural," was adopted from a nickname given to Fjelsted. The quartet's full-length debut was recorded in October of 1997. In support of the album, the band opened for the Fugees and the Prodigy, while Blondal remixed the Prodigy's "Diesel Power." In 1999, Quarashi released Xeneizes, selling another 6,000 copies and earning them a second consecutive gold record in Iceland. Jinx, Quarashi's U.S debut, was released in March 2002. The first single, "Stick 'Em Up," was included on the Orange County soundtrack.