Chris Rock

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1987年克里斯出演了自己的银幕处女作《比佛利山超级警探2》(Beverly Hills Cop II),并在《周六夜现 更多>

1987年克里斯出演了自己的银幕处女作《比佛利山超级警探2》(Beverly Hills Cop II),并在《周六夜现场》担任过三年客串演员,为耐克等品牌拍过广告,还参与过总统竞选节目《Politically Incorrect》,以搞笑的喜剧见长。
by Stephen Thomas ErlewineChris Rock is a standup comedian who first rose to national stardom when he appeared on Saturday Night Live in the late '80s and early '90s. The early '90s were Rock's popular heyday, when he frequently appeared in films; he released his first comedy record, Born Suspect, in 1991. When he left SNL, his popularity dipped, and for much of the mid-'90s, he had difficulty landing movie roles; when he did, no one went to the movies. Rock began concentrating on his standup work again, and by the release of his second album, 1997's Roll with the New, he had become one of the most popular and best-reviewed comedians in America. Like its predecessor, 1999's Bigger & Blacker reached platinum status and furthered Rock's popularity; five years later, Never Scared saw similar success. The comedian then assembled some of his best-known tracks for Cheese and Crackers: The Greatest Bits, which was released in late 2007.

