Nikhil Banerjee

简介: 尼克 班纳吉(Pt Nikhil Banerjee)也许是本世纪最具天赋的西塔琴演奏家了,他1931年出生在一个有音乐气氛的家庭中,很小就被认为是“神童”。 他9岁时就因获得全孟买西塔琴大赛的冠军而震惊了音乐界。班纳吉在Ustad Ali Akbar Khan身边进行了创造性的学 更多>

尼克 班纳吉(Pt Nikhil Banerjee)也许是本世纪最具天赋的西塔琴演奏家了,他1931年出生在一个有音乐气氛的家庭中,很小就被认为是“神童”。 他9岁时就因获得全孟买西塔琴大赛的冠军而震惊了音乐界。班纳吉在Ustad Ali Akbar Khan身边进行了创造性的学习,这位萨罗德琴大师在班纳吉的演奏生涯中扮演了至关重要的角色。他最后加入了阿里阿卡巴音乐学校并且在加尔各答和加利福尼亚两地工作到生命最后一刻。对于这样一位才华横溢的艺术家的天赋有着广泛的渴求是很自然的,与印度罗宾德拉??婆罗多大学(the Rabindra Bharati University)和维斯瓦-巴拉第大学(the Viswa Bharati University)的联系使他声名显赫。他还是美国社会东方艺术学院(ASEA)的客座教授。他是阿里阿卡巴音乐学校(Ali Akbar College of Music)的教员。他和阿里阿卡巴一起举行了上百场难忘的jugal bandhis。很快大家就认识到了班纳吉的才华。他迅速成为音乐会艺术家中璀璨的一颗明星。他在印度、美国和欧洲举行了很多场音乐会。他曾获印度政府授予的Pedmashr荣誉,并于1974年获得印度文化部颁发的Sangeet Natak Akademi奖,或称印度文化奖。基于班纳吉的卓越贡献,他去世后还被授予印度公民荣誉奖。 
by Craig Harris
When Nikhil Banerjee died in 1986, India didnt just lose one of its greatest sitar players, but one of its most influential classical musicians. A former child prodigy who won the All-Bengal sitar competition at the age of nine, Banerjee grew up to earn international acclaim as a highly skilled musician. According to The San Francisco Chronicle, Banerjees technique is a phenomenon, faster than cheetahs, more secure than the dollar. Music And Musicians observed that his improvisations always sound completely natural and spontaneous.. In an obituary published after his death, The New York Times wrote the extraordinary fluidity and assurance of his rhythmic ideas and phrasing set a standard that would have left the more international stars of Indian music behind.
The son of an amateur musician, Banerjee was fascinated by his fathers playing. Although he wanted to try his hand at an instrument as early as the age of four, he was discouraged by his father and grandfather. At the age of five, however, they relented and he acquired a small sitar. Banerjee took to the instrument immediately. In addition to winning the All-India sitar competition, he became the youngest musician employed by All-India Radio at the age of nine. He remained a featured radio performer for five years. One of 15 children, Banerjee was greatly influenced by Ustad Amir Khan, who would come to his family home to teach his older sister. Banerjee also studied with Mustaq Ali Khan for three months and Jnan Prakash Ghosh, who taught him to play tabla. His greatest teacher, however, was Baba (Allaudin Khan), with whom he apprenticed, along with Ravi Shankar, from 1947 until 1952. Following Khans death, Banerjee went on to study with Khans son, Ali Akbar Khan, for an additional five years. Banerjee subsequently performed an estimated 1,000 concerts in India as Khans accompanist. Banerjee performed his first concerts outside of India in 1955 as a member of a cultural delegation sent by the Indian government to Poland, Russia, and China. He made his United States debut in 1967. For many years, Banerjee spent three months each summer teaching, performing, and lecturing/demonstrating at U. C. Berkeley.
In 1968, Banerjee was awarded the honorary title Padma Shri. The same year, he was named Indias outstanding musician of the year by the Sangeet Nagat (music and dance) Academy.