Stjepan Hauser

简介: 中文名:斯蒂潘·豪瑟国籍:克罗地亚出生地:克罗地亚普拉市生日:职业:大提琴演奏家代表作:《Smooth Criminal》毕业学院:英国皇家北方音乐学院豪瑟出生在南斯拉夫克罗地亚的普拉,比苏利克年长一些,从幼年学琴,再到维也纳深造,他念的大学是位于曼切斯特的英国皇家北方音乐学院。 更多>






代表作:《Smooth Criminal》



从艺历程:豪瑟同样出身音乐世家,中学毕业后就读于萨格勒布音乐学院,曾在英国,美国求学,并师从美国著名大提琴家伯纳德·格林豪斯(1916~2011)学习。豪瑟演出生涯虽不算长,却已经在全球超过40个国家和地区进行过演出,包括威格摩尔音乐厅(Wigmore Hall),皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅(Royal Albert Hall),阿姆斯特丹音乐厅(Amsterdam Concertgebouw),伦敦南岸艺术中心(Southbank Centre)等一系列著名音乐厅。另外,豪瑟也揽获了包括 PLG青年艺术家选拔赛(PLG Young Artists Auditions, 2009),爱乐乐团马丁音乐奖学金基金(Philharmonia Orchestra- Martin Musical Scholarship Fund, 2009)等近30项国内外比赛的大奖,并因其出色的音乐表现应邀先后在白金汉宫和圣詹姆斯宫的音乐会上为查尔斯王子演奏。

豪瑟接触到许多诸如Mstislav Rostropovich, Bernard Greenhouse, Heinrich Schiff, Frans Helmerson, Arto Noras, Ralph Kirshbaum等颇具传奇色彩的古典艺术家。在伦敦学习期间,他与斯洛文尼亚小提琴家Lana Trotovsek、日本钢琴家Yoko Misumi组成格林尼治三重奏(The Greenwich Trio),后被闻名世界的“美艺三重奏”创始团员之一的大提琴家格林豪斯誉为“新美艺三重奏”。此后,三人组在英国、比利时、意大利等一系列室内乐比赛中均获得了一等奖,并逐渐在欧洲一些最负盛名的国际音乐节上演出。2012年5月豪瑟获得四项博灵奖(被誉为克罗地亚的格莱美奖),其中有两项是与苏里科组成的2CELLOS获得,另两项则颁给了他与Damir Urban合作创作的专辑《Urban & Hauser》。

职业生涯:Cellist Stjepan Hauser has performed in more than 40 countries across all the continents including successful debuts in Wigmore Hall, Royal Albert Hall, Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Southbank Centre and many more.

He is laureate of UK's international competitions and awards such as: PLG Young Artists Auditions 2009, J & A Beare Solo Bach Competition 2009, NYOS Staffa Award 2009, Philharmonia Orchestra – Martin Musical Scholarship Fund 2009 & 2008, Eastbourne Symphony Orchestra Young Soloist Competition 2009 & 2007, Tunbridge Wells International Young Concert Artists Competition 2008 & 2006, Computers in Personnel International Concerto Competition 2008, Frankopan Fund Award 2006, and MBF Music Education Award 2006 & 2005. He is also a prize winner of international cello competitions and awards such as Adam International Cello Festival and Competition in New Zealand 2009, and VTB Capital Prize for Young Cellists 2009. All together Stjepan collected a total of 21 first prizes among national and international competitions and as a consequence he was invited to perform twice on Gala concerts for H R H Prince Charles in Buckingham Palace and St. James's Palace.

This young cellist has worked with the most revered cellists such as Mstislav Rostropovich, Bernard Greenhouse, Heinrich Schiff, Frans Helmerson, Arto Noras, Ralph Kirshbaum, Valter Despalj, Philippe Muller, Thomas Demenga, Young-Chang Cho, Reinhard Latzko, Karine Georgian, Roel Dieltiens and Alexander Ivashkin to mention a few. He completed his undergraduate studies with Natalia Pavlutskaya at Trinity College of Music, now Trinity Laban, London and postgraduate studies with Ralph Kirshbaum as a Dorothy Stone Scholar at RNCM in Manchester and with Bernard Greenhouse in USA.

In October 2006 he was the only[citation needed] cellist chosen to perform in the gala concert at Palazzo Vecchio, Florence for the late Mstislav Rostropovich. Following the success of this appearance Stjepan has been invited to perform at the most prestigious festivals in Europe. At the International Holland Music Sessions 2009, he was chosen to participate in the "New Masters on Tour" concert series, presenting young artists in prestigious concert venues all over Europe.

Together with the Slovenian violinist Lana Trotovsek and Japanese pianist Yoko Misumi, Stjepan was a member of the renowned Greenwich Trio described by legendary cellist Bernard Greenhouse as the "New Beaux Arts Trio."

The Trio won a series of first prizes in the international chamber music competitions in the UK, Belgium and Italy. The Greenwich Trio had masterclasses with Amadeus Quartet, Alban Berg Quartet, Guarneri Quartet, Beaux Arts Trio, Trio Fontenay, Menahem Pressler, Bernard Greenhouse, Ivry Gitlis, Stephen Kovacevich, Ralf Gothoni, Niklas Schmidt, Arnold Steinhardt, Valentin Erben and Eberhard Feltz. ... They performed in some of the most prestigious European international music festivals. In March 2008 they performed Beethoven's Triple Concerto with conductor Barry Wordsworth and in September the same year they played in the sold out opening festival at King's Place, London.

Subsequently, Hauser went on to do solo work, to include his recording of British composer Christopher Ball's First Concerto for Cello, written by the composer specifically for him. The album, Christopher Ball: Music for Cello, was recorded at the first live performance of the concerto in 2010, and features former Greenwich Trio member, Yoko Misumi, on piano.

In January 2011, Hauser, along with friend and fellow cellist Luka Šulić, performed a cover of Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" which was played solely on cello. In just a few days, the music video for this cover became a YouTube sensation.[2][3][4]

Under the name 2Cellos, Hauser and Šulić recorded an album with Sony Music Entertainment, which was released in July 2011.[5]

In early 2011, he recorded an album with fellow Croatian Damir Urban. The album, the self-titled Urban and Hauser, was released in the summer of 2011.

Also in the spring of 2011, he recorded an album with Croatian pop star Oliver Dragojević. The album, Noć nek' tiho svira, was released in October 2011.

That fall, along with fellow 2CELLOS member Luka Šulić, he began touring as a member of the Elton John band. Since then, he has performed with the band hundreds of times, on tour all around the world, and in Las Vegas, Nevada, in the Million Dollar Piano concert performance at the Coliseum at Caesar's Palace.

In November 2011, he released another classical album: Brahms, Beethoven & Bruch for Clarinet, Cello & Piano, again with Ms. Misumi, and clarinetist Leslie Craven.

In January 2012, they appeared as the special musical guests on Fox’s hit TV series Glee where they performed “Smooth Criminal” in the Michael Jackson tribute episode. This was the first time that an instrumental duo had performed on the show in this coveted guest spot.[6] The 2Cellos’ arrangement of the song, which featured actors Grant Gustin and Naya Rivera, sold incredibly well debuting at #10 on the Billboard Hot 100 Digital Songs Chart and landing their debut album in the Top 100.[7]

In May 2012, he won four Porin awards, two with Luka Šulić (2Cellos), and the other two for his collaboration with Damir Urban on their album Urban & Hauser.[8]

He subsequently won an additional Porin award, for Best Video Release, along with Luka Šulić (2CELLOS) and Dusan Kranjč (drummer) for their Arena Zagreb DVD.

In late 2012 and early 2013, a second 2CELLOS album, In2ition, was released.

Since the release of the second album, he spends most of his time touring, either as a member of 2CELLOS, or with Elton John. A third album was released in early 2015 called Celloverse, just prior to a 38-city US tour.