The Arctic Flow

简介: One boy on the beach, flying his kite in the summer breeze. The Arctic Flow is Brian Hancheck, the boy in question. Creating songs of love, 更多>

One boy on the beach, flying his kite in the summer breeze. The Arctic Flow is Brian Hancheck, the boy in question. Creating songs of love, loss, joy and sadness.
The Arctic Flow全由Brian Hancheck一人掌控,创作地点多是自己温馨的家,偶尔还会拉来爱妻给单曲绘制封套。若跑到他的Bandcamp主页,五彩精致的封画紧抓眼球同时,耳畔是他轻柔男声配合清新曲调营造来的拳拳暖意,混入Dream-Pop、Jangle-Pop及Shoegaze的曲风婉转宜人.