Эдуард Артемьев

简介: 提起俄罗斯导演就不得不提塔尔科夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky),他以博大深邃的精神气质与庄重沉郁的诗性叙事开创出崭新的艺术典范,是历史上无可争议的电影大家,而躲在塔尔科夫斯基身后的自然是他御用的电影配乐家Edward Artemiev,《飞向太空》(Solaris, 1 更多>

提起俄罗斯导演就不得不提塔尔科夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky),他以博大深邃的精神气质与庄重沉郁的诗性叙事开创出崭新的艺术典范,是历史上无可争议的电影大家,而躲在塔尔科夫斯基身后的自然是他御用的电影配乐家Edward Artemiev,《飞向太空》(Solaris, 1972),《镜子》(The Mirror [Zerkalo], 1974)这些电影配乐都是由Edward Artemiev精心完成的,除了世人皆知的电影配乐 才华外,Edward Artemiev同时也是俄罗斯的电子音乐先锋,他从60年代就开始进行电子音乐的创作。令人遗憾的是,在将近半个世纪过去后人们所津津乐道的仅是Pierre Schaffer,Karlheinz Stockhausen等欧陆大师,而Edward Artemiev为当代电子音乐做出的巨大贡献却没有得到应有的浓重笔墨,这不能不说是历史的一次偏颇与不公。
值得令人庆幸的是在1996年,恰好正逢塔尔科夫斯基逝世10周年之际,不知道是天意使然,还是冥冥之中自有注定,Edward Artemiev的儿子---Artemiy Artemiev成立了俄罗斯第一家电子音乐电子原音厂牌“Electroshock”,致力与出版俄罗斯和少量外国的电子音乐唱片。在过去的八年之间,“Electroshock”不仅如“盗墓者”般正式出版了Edward Artemiev早年的电子作品,让这些创造了电子音乐黎明的巨作得以重见天日,更重要的是“Electroshock”构建出俄罗斯电子音乐过去,现在,未来的大致轮廓。Artemiy Artemiev俨然成为了当今俄罗斯电子音乐的领军人物,将这片土地上最具创造力的音乐带进全世界乐迷的视线之内。虎父无犬子,用在Artemiy Artemiev倒是最合适
Artemyev was born in Novosibirsk and studied at the Moscow Conservatory under Yuri Shaporin. His interest in electronic music and synthesizers began after his graduation in the 1960, when electronic music was still in its infancy. He wrote his first composition in 1967 on one of the first synthesizers, the ANS synthesizer developed by the Soviet engineer Evgeny Murzin. He was thus one of the first composers and a pioneer of electronic music. His collaboration with the film director Andrei Tarkovsky in the 1970s made him well-known. He wrote the film scores for Tarkovsky's Solaris, Zerkalo and Stalker. Later he also wrote film scores for films by Andrei Konchalovsky and Nikita Mikhalkov. His film scores and his music received several awards, including three Nika Awards. Recently, he ceded several pieces from the Solaris soundtrack to use them in the upcoming Spanish production The Cosmonaut