
简介: 这是一支来自于美国的死亡金属乐队,成立于2003年,名气似乎不大。2009年他们推出了第二张录音室全长专辑。本作表现出瑞典老式死亡的味道,编曲中注重旋律,有前卫倾向,黑味十足,大气雄浑,还包含一些厄运成分,riffs、敲击很带劲且富于变化,演唱是比较传统的低吼。总之,这张新作虽然 更多>

Since 2003, HELCARAXË have been churning out intricate and crushing Death Metal, inspired by the early 90's death metal movement.
HELCARAXË began its life as a collaboration between vocalist Jesse Traynor and guitarist Bill Henderson. Both had previously worked together in other bands, and were looking to create the kind of death metal they grew to love. Inspired by bands such as Amorphis, Unleashed, Eucharist, Bolt Thrower, and Morbid Angel, the band recorded 16 original tracks that became their debut LP, Triumph and Revenge. New Jersey black/death metal label, Regimental Records expressed interest in releasing the album and in in early 2007, Triumph and Revenge was released to much critical acclaim and fan adoration.
With so much fanfare, HELCARAXË began writing its next record, the EP No God To Save You. Swashbuckle’s Pat Henry was recruited to play bass, adding a new and exciting element to the band. Soon after, No God To Save You was released in 2008 by Australia’s Fall of Nature Recordings.
In late 2008, lead guitarist Jon Tarella and drummer Mike Donatelli joined the fold, and the band recorded its second LP, Broadsword, which was also released on Regimental Records. The album was again met with critical praise which led to the label selling out of the album (as well as the debut LP) after the first pressing.
2009 saw the release of HELCARAXË’s fourth output, a split LP with current Relapse Records artist Father Befouled. The split was released by Enucleation Records, with exclusive distribution by Relapse Records. Shortly thereafter, the band recorded two more tracks for an as-yet-unreleased split 7” with Finnish death metal band Ascended.
In 2010, now with their lineup complete, the band began perfecting their live show and performing for enthusiastic fans around the East Coast. HELCARAXË also spent much of 2010 writing and recording their magnum opus, Red Dragon. A sprawling epic of metal composition, Red Dragon incorporates crushing death metal riffage and face-melting guitar solos with a meticulous, progressive approach to songwriting. The result is a 45-minute long odyssey, divided into 11 movements with recurring motifs, meant to be listened to in one intense sitting.